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mahalogi 11-20-2010 09:23 PM

The last show I saw was BMTH XD and it was long ago.
It was pretty good, everyone was so...lively in the audiance it was a great thrill to be apart of all the crazy moshers.
I liked the fact that I saw BMTH...finally. LOL And Oli was so small haha xD and cute and wow.
However I don't really have any 'good' memories of it other than the night was rather amazing and I hope to go see them again.

Jurinjo 12-04-2010 06:25 AM

I've never been to a live concert =(

Me and my friends almost went to one a year and a half ago. But we were stupid and didn't preorder tickets and so didn't get in xP

Then that same year I almost went to the Avenged Sevenfold concert but I didn't want to miss math class I had that day (cause I suck at math and didn't want to fall behind). Well guess what happened? My alarm didn't go off and I didn't arrive to class anyway! ugh I could've just gone to the concert.

NoLifeKing 12-04-2010 07:26 AM

I don't like going to live shows very much (with the exception of opera.) The last show I went to was The Blue Man Group at the Luxor in Vegas. I think that was back in 2006?

Prior to that it was a KISS concert.

Absinthe 12-04-2010 08:08 AM

Umm, Green Day in Seattle, June of 2009 :D

Echo-chan713 12-04-2010 10:34 PM

Last one I went to was those Nickelodean live audience that was broadcasted into television, when you get slimed and pied and such and I was like 10 so it was probaly 9 years ago (which is a possibility that they discontinued it).

Shenandoah 12-09-2010 09:45 AM

The last live show I attended was the first of two performances of 2010 in Houston, Texas, at the Toyota Center of Trans Siberian Orchestra.

Echo-chan713 12-09-2010 01:53 PM

I think it was last year when at the time my boyfriend took me to a radio funded concert with guests like Jessie James, Jason DeRulo, David Hodges and Boys Like Girls.

I remember the annoying teen fangirls when Boys Like Girls came on. They had to stop the show every 15 mins to tell the fans to move back feet and they will still not listen DX.

The saddest thing was that my boyfriend was one of those teen fangirls screaming that he loves them jumps up and down and I just stood there watching the show.

Addy 12-09-2010 01:54 PM

Hilariously enough, it was the Ying-Yang Twins. They did a free concert at my college and ... oh man, it was terrible but I had a really good time. Spent my time squished up in the midst of a giant crowd, I never even SAW the Twins on stage.

But I loved it. ;w;

Echo-chan713 12-09-2010 07:21 PM

I remember Ludacris came to our College town we didn't go but everyone did the security was tight and strict

Uke 12-23-2010 05:27 AM

The last show I went to was a Lady Gaga show, but I had to leave early due to being sick...

Ashy 12-23-2010 05:52 AM

I worked at the two U2/JayZ concerts bout a fortnight ago, they were both awesome :D

And then the next week i worked at the Bon Jovi concert, they were good but i was a little dissapointed in the level of stage presence but hey they bought all the workers free drinks :o

Archaical 12-26-2010 02:24 AM

Bassnectar! omg it was amazing! dont have a best part, it was all magical :D

Vox 01-02-2011 07:27 PM

A church Christmas pageant. It's pretty good: they have a professional stage and oodles of professional volunteers, so it comes out well.

Addy 01-02-2011 07:56 PM

Last live show I legitimately got in - the Ying Yang Twins. Uhh. I'm not a fan, but any chance to see "Get Low" live is something I must take, hahaha. They did a free show at my college as part of Homecoming, so I was like, huuuh, might as well! And I did, and it was awesome.

But.. 3OH!3 recently did a show in my college town, too. Umm. I sorta snuck in at the last song. They left a side door open and my friends and I basically charged in, just in time to hear the end of Don't Trust Me. And then the show ended. XD

Stalker 02-03-2011 06:14 AM

The last live show I attended was Alexisonfire / Billy Talent. @A@ Then there were some other bands. I attended it back when I was dating my ex. - whine - It was probably one of the most amazing concerts ever but it seemed to have gone by rather quickly.
I'm quite timid, but my ex was rather amused by the fact that I was bouncing around and screaming out the lyrics to their songs. Rofl.

Once I move I'll be attending quite a few concerts on a regular basis. My cousin works where concerts are held around here and always scores free tickets. =P

Blitzkrieg 02-03-2011 09:32 AM

I saw Morning Glory and the Star Fucking Hipsters live at the Knitting Factory. Before that, I went to punk island.

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