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Lauv Keiko 11-04-2012 05:10 AM

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@Vader: I was thinking I'd make another devilish avi. xD

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Pathosis 11-04-2012 05:10 AM

I love Metalocalypse.
Like...holy shit, man.

And that was the vibe I was going for for that art. xD
I added the staff and the Kyun last minute because I refreshed and saw you added stuff. :p

Darth Vader 11-04-2012 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by Squid (Post 1413142)
Nathan Explosion~ <3
You could, like, -easily- look like him :3
I need to work at that pixel art for you ;~: <3

I'm gonna look like OH GOD I SHOULD HAVE BEEN HIM FOR HALLOWEEN, but we were the Joker instead, so either way, it would have all worked out. :I

And you do. ;~; I want your pixel art to be in my signature really badly.

[closes in to your ear and whispers] Really, really badly.

Squid 11-04-2012 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by Vader (Post 1413146)
I'm gonna look like OH GOD I SHOULD HAVE BEEN HIM FOR HALLOWEEN, but we were the Joker instead, so either way, it would have all worked out. :I

And you do. ;~; I want your pixel art to be in my signature really badly.

[closes in to your ear and whispers] Really, really badly.

You would have been so cute ;~;
And ye, we were amazing Jokers :3
Didnt you post pictures of both of us as Jokers in the Trisphee Photo Album thread? xD

Pathosis 11-04-2012 05:21 AM

You make a good Joker, Vader. xD
Should have hair-sprayed your hair green.

Darth Vader 11-04-2012 05:26 AM

Metalocalypse is frickin' amazing, and so is Dethklok as a band, my God. I'd change my signature to something Metalocalypse-related, but I'm really in love with my Behemoth signature. And when I first saw your picture, I thought of, like, Altaïr because of the arm blades. xD

You would have been even cuter as, like, random Toki cosplay, Hailey. ;~; And ye, you didn't see it yet, or? :o

Squid 11-04-2012 05:29 AM

No, I did see it :3
I was just recalling it.
And yeah, I should do a Toki cosplay xD
We would make like, the perfect NathanxToki couple xD

Pathosis 11-04-2012 05:33 AM

I have all the Dethalbums on my iPod. xD;;
And I've watched all the seasons.
Nathan is my cartoon crush. >>;;

I thought of Altair's blades, too. xD
My boyfriend is playing Assassins Creed 3 right now.
So it's the first thing I thought of.

(/huffs and puffs)
I can see him with Nathan though.
I'll admit I've read fanfictions. >>;;

Darth Vader 11-04-2012 05:35 AM

Thanks. xD I mostly put the effort into the makeup and not particularly the costume because I stayed in and Skyped the whole night with Hailey; epic Joker Halloween nights watching Halloween 4. :P

I also would've dyed my hair green, but we didn't have enough money to buy green hairspray, so meh. However, just a couple days after Halloween, we found some cheap green hairspray on discount. -_-

Nathan and Toki couple would be awesome. xD You could have a little Fu Manchu and everything, and it'd be amazing. I could talk in death growls, and yous could totallys be talking likes dis. WOWEEEE!

Lauv Keiko 11-04-2012 05:38 AM

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*suddenly doesn't understand a thing* o3o

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Pathosis 11-04-2012 05:38 AM

I tried watching the Halloween marathon on AMC.
But my boyfriend wouldn't let me. >|
Kept dissing it and shit. Made me maaaaad.
'Cause when I was 12, I'd sit in front of the TV, in the dark and watch them consecutively.
It was awesome.
Until I did the same thing before we moved, and I got freaked out by a tower of boxes in my room. xDDD;;

Of course it'd be discounted. (/shakes head)
Things are priced ridiculously these days.
I was Catwoman this year. x]
Boyfriend was a Hunter from L4D.

Squid 11-04-2012 05:39 AM

You talk good in death growls xD
I would look so amazing with a fu manchu~ <3
Craigs, we shoulds totally plays Dead Islands alls night :3

Quiet Man Cometh 11-04-2012 05:58 AM

Posts to have a character cap, which is why some people 'reserve' extras at the beginning of a thread. Or perhaps they just want the option to put new stuff in a thread.

Yo! New person! I bequeath a small gift upon thee, for I have a great many of them.

Darth Vader 11-04-2012 06:04 AM

I actually don't have any of the Dethalbums, but I listen to a lot of them on YouTube, and I love playing their songs on some Guitar Hero games that I have. :I Some of the funnest songs to play. I've also only played Assassin's Creed and Assassin's Creed II... I'd play Brotherhood and Revelations, but I heard from someone that the multiplayer is completely dead on both games. :l

Why couldn't he let you? That frickin' sucks. I watch the Halloween marathons on AMC every Halloween, it's like a tradition. I only wish that I could've caught Rob Zombie's Halloween on, like, MTV or something. That movie is the only horror movie remake that I love to death. And yeah, prices these days are cray 'n' shit. I was actually a Hunter last year for Halloween; Hailey and I plan on going to Comic Con someday dressed as Hunters together and just pouncing the crap out of each other. xD <3

I do, don't I? xD Whenever I'm home alone, I just kinda death growl because #yolothugswag4lyfdrakeizdabets

I would play Dead Island with you all night if we weren't already Trispheeing all night instead. :3

Quiet Man Cometh:
Wait, you mean that posts are soon going to have a character cap or something? And thank you so much for the gift, I'll check it out right after I hit the post button. ^^

Kaguya 11-04-2012 06:22 AM

Good morning Vader.

Quiet Man Cometh 11-04-2012 06:51 AM

Thwarted by maintenance! Was going to say that I believe posts have always had a character cap, but it's pretty high. I'm not sure I've ever bumped into it before.

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