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Moonshadow 01-24-2016 07:02 PM

I am currently reading Drood by Dan Simmons

Quiet Man Cometh 01-26-2016 02:30 AM

Still reading Lovecraft and well into the Dream Cycle, though I might be mostly done with that, now. My e-book is an atrociously organized copy (not to mentioned horridly editted but that's what I get for $4). Haven't made further progress in Hobbit or Memories of Ice but they remain by my bed, and I totally didn't buy another book the other day. <.<

NikkoGallarado 01-26-2016 07:34 PM

I'm reading, Devil from Afar which is a manga series.

On top of it I am also reading Welcome to Nightvale.

Alice in Wonder and the Looking Glass as well for fun.

Poggio 02-05-2016 07:59 PM

I am currently reading The Wicked and The Divine trade paper backs One and Two. It is a really typical premise but so far it is an interesting read.

I am also still reading the Demonata series by Darren Shann.

Quiet Man Cometh 02-05-2016 08:52 PM

Well Bilbo just found Smaug! Yeah, taking my time here. Smaug hasn't woken up yet though. Aaaaaand I bought two more books. One is for cooking though, it doesn't count!

SekeNeko 02-15-2016 04:50 PM

I'm not reading anything at the moment but i want to read ashley bell and deep freeze. im more interested in deep freeze though cause i like thriller crime stories lol

Poggio 02-18-2016 11:32 AM

I am currently reading the Wicked and The Divine, trade paper back two. The story is pretty interesting so far.

I am also reading The Creativity Cure and something called How to Steal like an Artist.

Potironette 02-18-2016 11:35 AM

I'm not reading anything right now, but I want to start the Game of Thrones series again. I kind of zoned out through the first book and dropped halfway through the second the first time I tried :x

Poggio 02-18-2016 11:59 AM

o3o I kind of did that too, I only read through Jons chapters then went back and read some of the others ones, got bored and have not picked it back up.

SekeNeko 02-18-2016 03:56 PM

i want to own all of the game of thrones books .o.o.

Tiva 02-18-2016 04:36 PM

I am rereading Stardust, I love that book.

Quiet Man Cometh 02-18-2016 10:33 PM

Finished The Hobbit thanks to some manner of intestinal bug and a somewhat self-imposed quarantine (yay! No work! Boo, no pay!).

Now since I'm moving I'm going to pack up all my books and just leave out my e-reader, my copy of Memories of Ice, and maybe my On Writing by Steven King for other reading. I half read it at a writer's retreat and never finished it, so I am starting it again. Writing instructional stuff like blogs and such tend to drive me bonkers (especially the "what you're doing wrong!" sort) but I've enjoyed at least the biographical part of this one. That's about half the book. Haven't hit the actual "writing" part yet.

Potironette 02-19-2016 06:25 PM

Currently re-reading Game of Thrones. I realize why I zoned out before. The name-dumping in the beginning is really hard to get past T_T

Quiet Man Cometh 02-19-2016 11:00 PM

Lineage and character lists in front of some books can be handy.

Den 02-26-2016 12:41 AM

I don't know if this quite counts as "reading", since it's an audiobook, but right now, I've got "Birthright" by Adam J. Whitlach... The story's interesting, even though the audiobook's voice acting and narration kinda put me off.

Poggio 03-20-2016 07:58 PM

I am once again reading to many books for my own good.

I am currently reading the Long Fall by Walter Mosley.

I am so picky about my novels now. I have fallen out of reading since many of them do not interest me. Either the plot is not what I expected or the narration/narrative voice tends to led me off what I expect. But I am always a sucker for a good mystery novel, and so far in its unusual way that is what this novel is delivering. Although I could do with out all of the antidotes, I suppose they are the authors way of getting us attached to the main character.

I am also reading a bunch of books for work or to improve my career like writing cover letters in under 15 minutes.

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