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Espy 11-28-2011 03:55 AM

I'm his sempai at school; I'm allowed to really give him hell XD

Fenris 11-28-2011 11:16 AM

I apologize for the delays in the yearlies. I am working my hardest to get them done. Unfortunately I am working with a fractured wrist of which happened 2 weeks ago now and I just finally got to the doctor about it. So my finishing work has been real slow. I am possibly proposing to the users later having me slowly add them up (I have 2 completely recolored and done and ready to go) 6 finished pixeling and 3 to work on. Just want to know what the users want since I have to back burn the yearlies long enough to put the finishing touches on a monthly.

Pinkie 11-28-2011 11:31 AM

What ever you need to do Fenfen to make it so you dont stress your self out or cause any more pain to your arm is a good thing. I say take your time upload what you have then slowly upload the rest...this way you keep the impatient people at bay and the not so impatient people eagerly waiting for more!!

Tiva 11-28-2011 02:22 PM

Take your time, we can wait until December or you could move it to were it comes out on New Years if you need that much time.

Alpha 11-28-2011 02:47 PM

I agree with Tiva on this, no rush. Waiting until December or even New Years would be good. Just don't stress yourself out and focus on recovering.

Lucid: 11-28-2011 02:59 PM

I vote to wait until we can release them all at once. New Year's sounds nice but whenever they're ready is fine. I wouldn't want to spoil the theme by releasing just a few of them!

Rem 11-28-2011 03:19 PM

I too vote for New Years' - I don't think there's harm in the yearlies being a little late, and New Years would actually be a pretty cool time to release them - like a celebration. I think it's way more important to let your wrist rest. :( I'm sorry it got hurt Fen - Is it in a cast or a brace? :(

Espy 11-28-2011 03:40 PM

D: Your hands must really hate you, huh...

Seriously, don't push yourself too hard.

Sei 11-28-2011 04:36 PM

I agree.

Why not make the yearlies come out on the first next year? It would make it so the yearlies could be the 2012 yearlies instead of the '11 - '12 yearlies. That would be easier on everyone involved.

Coda 11-28-2011 05:00 PM

Well, one of the motives for releasing them when we did was to imply a disconnect between the Trisphee calendar and the Earth calendar. The seasons don't line up either, nor do the holidays. The fourth wall can be a useful tool for invoking a sense of other-ness.

Sei 11-28-2011 05:16 PM

I suppose, but releasing them in Nov versus Jan doesn't do much for me as a user (on a personal level). xP

Lucid: 11-28-2011 05:28 PM

Perhaps it would be more obvious if we had the seasonal items out (or some way to know what season it was). Having a snowy-themed site in the middle of September would do it.

Fenris 11-28-2011 05:43 PM

I will talk to the staff about when to do it. Im not sure how long it will take. I have quite a few other things I need to do for something else but waiting a bit will allow someone else to step in and help or myself more time.

Ginger 11-28-2011 08:10 PM

Oh no! D: I'm sorry about your wrist Fen :C I know your hands hurt enough as it is but a fracture really doesn't help!

I'd like to see the new yearlies released sometime next month, but all at once so it's not confusing when the time comes for the next batch of yearlies. I hope the other pixel artists pitch in and help as much as they can so that the yearlies aren't delayed for too much longer, and will give you some time to recover your wrist. Too long of a delay might cause some users to speculate over the long-term success of the site. Take your time but do set a reasonable deadline that is between sooner and later. I hope you recover soon and that I'll see you around the forums more often when you do =) We miss you Fen!

Espy 11-28-2011 08:21 PM

Aaaand this is when I start wishing I was 18 >.> But at the same time, I kind of wanna stay underage.... -conflicted-

Alpha 11-28-2011 08:36 PM

Trust me Espy, there are advantages to being legal, but enjoy being underage while you can. Only comes around once and then there is soooo much more responsibility and things expected of you.

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