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Jurinjo 08-30-2014 11:46 PM

Wow, and she's been around here for so long. Good luck Asami! I've been trying forver to get a second job but getting employers to cooperate on schedule is a nightmare for me. >____<

I find your nearly monochrome avatar ironic considering your title

Ginger 08-31-2014 04:55 PM

Responsibility comes with age and I understand how precious time is. Your time here is a fond memory and I'll miss having you around. <3

Asami 08-31-2014 08:15 PM

Lucid~ yeaaa (; actually its for the anka egg items but ya get what I mean????

Tori~ sorry sweetie ;-; add me on fb??
I'm actually kind of scared to leave. But I feel its unfair of me to just hold onto the amount of items I own..

Jurinjo~ yeaaa its gonna be tough because I do work a full time job. So I'd only be able to work in the evenings or weekends

Ginger~ I'll miss you too sweetie

In other news this turned into a joint going away party!!
Hermes is officially leaving with me and will join my contests !!
Once I get time I'll start working on the info for contests. I'll probably announce them one at a time

Hermes 08-31-2014 08:21 PM

Hi everyone!

I want to let you all know, I do enjoy most people here. If you want to stay in contact with me, tell me! I'll give you all kinds of information on keeping in contact with me.

If you're someone who never got along with me, or who I ever squabbled or disagreed with, I want you to know that even you were a part of my time here and so thank you, for helping me with who I am now.

Lucid, you were one of the first people I met here, and I want you to know that you never stopped being special to me, in your own low-key way. I'm sorry for some of the things that have happened around you because of me, but I hope you're never sorry for our friendship.

Mizeria, if you ever get on again and happen to see know my feelings on you, and where to find me.

Espy, you're cool as hell. Talk to me on facebook some time.

Rose, if you see this...please, please private message me. I'll pm you as well.

To everyone else I may not have mentioned- I never forget anyone. If you think I've forgotten you, I have not, I remember us, I remember all of our times.

Thank you users, staff, and lurkers. I will always be here, in what capacity I can, just not specifically HERE any longer.

Asami 08-31-2014 08:44 PM

We love you all deeply. :(

Hermes 08-31-2014 08:48 PM

Just remember, I love Asami most.

Asami 08-31-2014 08:51 PM

Dawww bros four lyfff

Hermes 08-31-2014 09:03 PM

Aye, tha twe are. And we're goin out, together, with a bang c=

Asami 08-31-2014 09:09 PM

Huge party. Tons of prizes. Lots of funnn

Hermes 08-31-2014 09:15 PM

Oh gods, it's going to be weird, I've never done anything big like this.

Asami 08-31-2014 09:16 PM

Yea I feel weird

Hermes 08-31-2014 09:20 PM

I love you mang ;w;

Espy 08-31-2014 09:39 PM

-plops in-

...Aw jeez, you're both silvery and shiny.

Hermes 08-31-2014 09:41 PM

Yep! and what's great is it's totally coincidental.

Asami 08-31-2014 09:46 PM

Luv u 2 mang

Hermes 08-31-2014 09:54 PM

So, when do I get to hand everything over to the greedy little mean...loving userbase whom I so adore?

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