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Espy 10-21-2015 01:38 PM

17. Through the Fire and Flames, by DragonForce

So far away we wait for the day
For the lives all so wasted and gone
We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days
Through the fire and the flames we carry on!

That beginning riff. That solo. Also, seriously, the lyrics. This song gets me going.
(This is the second in my list of motivational songs.)

Nightmare 10-23-2015 08:20 PM

18. Rise by Shapes & Colors

There are so many songs I could list off by this band, but this is one of my favorites by them. They are a band that started up near my home town, and one of the bands members I've had the pleasure of working beside.

This band loves they're rock and faster-paced music, and this songs describes them perfectly. It's just a really good song to sit and jam to, and its got some awesome lyrics. I tend to listen to this band a lot when I need inspiration as it always gets my mind to start rolling.

I wasted half my life just idling by
And it's killing me inside
It's killing me inside
That I wasted all this time wondering why
My poker face is showing
But I'm really only folding underneath

Alatariel 10-25-2015 06:30 PM

Again - Yu

I like anime openings.. XP the one for FMA Brotherhood is good.

Lawtan 10-26-2015 12:23 PM

Ievan's Polkka - Loituma

An internet classic, apparently. There is a Korpiklaani version as well.
All about how Polka and dance breaks down pious chastity but not the concept of lasting my understanding.

Quiet Man Cometh 10-26-2015 05:42 PM

21. Hellfire - (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) performed by Tony Jay

I'm on the fence a little here, since it's not my favourite piece of music really, but it's a powerful song I think, and surprisingly Disney, given the topic. It illustrates what I think is a significant failing among people; shifting blame onto an object or person, when the problem is their own.

"It's not my fault, that in God's plan
He made the Devil so much stronger than a man."

The actor also sounds really cool. ;)

Quiet Man Cometh 10-27-2015 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by Alatariel (Post 1666255)
Again - Yu

I like anime openings.. XP the one for FMA Brotherhood is good.

Can you elaborate on the song details here? I'm not sure who the artist is (I can find one by a YUI), and can you say which anime it comes from?

EDIT: Need more stuff here! I'm getting a backlog in my head of song ideas.

Lawtan 11-27-2015 01:51 PM

22. Better - Cat and the Menagerie

It is a song about continuing on. The song doesn't really involve specific instances, other than referencing thoughts common in deep depression. It is very strong and encouraging, and sort of how I got through last year. Now, saying "brighten up kid, It'll get better" alone isn't usually something that tends to help me - more "it is worth the attempt" and all. I feel this song covers both, along with the idea that if you are in a bad enough place, you may as well keep trying - not much else to lose in the immediate sense.

Quiet Man Cometh 12-01-2015 02:55 AM

23. Zombie - The Cranberries

Took some time to get used to the vocalist for Cranberries, and I was never a fan or her breathy style to start but I quite like this song. The song itself deals with the conflict in Northern Ireland (or so it looks) and the video is eerie and powerful. Not really sure what to say about it as I think the song speaks best for itself.


Quiet Man Cometh 01-02-2016 04:01 AM


Originally Posted by Alatariel (Post 1666255)
Again - Yu

I like anime openings.. XP the one for FMA Brotherhood is good.

Does anyone know what this might be so I can fill out the information a little more? I don't know it and nothing is coming up in my feeble searches.

"FMA"is "Full Metal Alchemist" I'm assuming?

Quiet Man Cometh 01-09-2016 02:55 AM

No enough people posting music!

Just heard this when someone posted and it's pretty darn cool. I like the original song, and I used to listen to Disturbed now and then back in school. It's interesting to me to hear metal singers actually sing, where you can really hear their voice. Another example is Slipkot's Corey Taylor singing "Bother."

24. "The Sound of Silence" cover by Disturbed (orig. Simon and Garfunkel) The original deserves to be on here, too.

Breaking my rules again, but no one is posting! bah! Espy! What happened to your playlist you were going to put up a song at a time? Maybe I shall revise: Please wait until someone else someone else posts before you post another song, or if it's been around a week since the last post. There.:)

Quiet Man Cometh 06-20-2016 01:54 AM

Well fine then!

25. Lightning Crashes - Live

Been hearing this song on the radio a fair bit recently. The lyrics were a little curious at first (haven't heard a song before that makes mention of a placenta) but I like the tone and the build up. Never really heard too much from Live outside the "Throwing Copper" album.

Suzerain of Sheol 06-20-2016 02:08 AM

Going by the views, this is just a really popular song I've never heard of, but it came up on youtube the other day and it's good, so here.

Quiet Man Cometh 06-20-2016 02:14 AM

Oh sure! Leave me to hunt down all the info!


EDIT: Oh hey, I've heard of these guys.

EDIT EDIT: Wow. That will be 26, then.

Awen Moonshine 06-20-2016 03:59 AM

Blumenkranz - Kill la Kill soundtrack (specifically this version :

This is essentially the villains theme in the series but it's not like typical villain themes in that it's quite melodic. This is one of my favourite anime series and I personally think this has one of the best soundtracks all together too, but this track always stands out to me.

Lawtan 06-20-2016 07:28 AM

The Voice - Celtic Woman

This is a very powerful song with simple lyrics. It sort of is one of those songs that binds a people to the land they live on and the common history they share. It also holds a spiritual and naturalistic appeal to me.

Quiet Man Cometh 07-16-2016 02:15 AM


And one more.

29. Take me to Church - Hozier

Very fond of this song, and I actually don't mind some of the other stuff I've heard from the artist, either. I first heard through the radio, and generally liked the sound and mood before I became familiar with the lyrics.

The song is apparently anti-religion and takes the approach that rules and such that religions impose actually work against humanity's natural compassion and desire to love.

If you are interested in the meaning or not, it's still a good song.

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