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Addy 12-07-2010 10:22 PM

100au is still "gold," actually. XD! Since Au is the chemical abbreviation.

And Uze, you kicked my butt earlier. O:

Merr 12-07-2010 11:01 PM

But it's a fancy new way of being gold. P:

Addy 12-07-2010 11:06 PM

Exactly! 8D

Lost 12-08-2010 12:04 AM

Good luck on your quest~

Addy 12-08-2010 12:06 AM

Thank you thank you. c: Much appreciated!

Lost 12-08-2010 12:11 AM

It shouldn't take you long to make Au here. So you should be able to get a frostbite in no time at all (as long as someone is selling)

Addy 12-08-2010 12:19 AM

How much do those go for? :0 I'm up to about 2k right now. I can't really find rune sellers or anything at the moment. I'll probably make a thread tomorrow if I can't find something by then~

Lost 12-08-2010 12:53 AM

I'm actually not sure;
I donated to get mine this month.
and I missed them last month
I would assume between 2-2.5?
I can try and look it up for you and post back here if I find someone selling;

Addy 12-08-2010 04:56 PM

That would be pretty cool. :3 Unfortunately the next couple days might be kinda crazy for me, so even if you do post, I might miss it. xD

I have one more final after tonight, then packing up and driving home. ;O!!

Also was it just me or was Trisphee totally dead for like 12 hours? D:

Uze 12-08-2010 05:09 PM

Hey Addy! It did seem like Trisphee was dead XD but I'm on!

Lost 12-08-2010 05:29 PM

It gets like that sometimes.
I think its cause most of us are asleep (maybe?)
I didn't really see any prices.
sorry >w<;

Addy 12-08-2010 06:36 PM

No worries. Thank you. <3

I also looove your avatar. XD That is genius.

Hai again Uze! 8D

I was afraid I broke it. I figured, just my luck, I rejoin and the servers explode. D:

Lost 12-08-2010 06:46 PM

Theres a pokemon cosplay there and I thought I would give it a try

I thought my attempt came out nicely.

Addy 12-08-2010 06:47 PM

I saw that but I was too scared to give it a try myself. xD Mostly because I don't know aaany of the items here yet.

Also I saw that gamer hangout you're making. I am excited to flex my retro gaming knowledge muscles. 8D

Lost 12-08-2010 06:51 PM


Rose and I both had gamer hangouts.
Hers came first and I over looked it somehow so I mad my own.
We got to talking and decided to combine them to make a super gamer hangout of doom..
I'm a casual gamer, and my first system was the ps1. Used. From my best friend cause she had two of them....
That was pretty much in high school for me too...

Addy 12-08-2010 06:53 PM

I never had a PS1, but I really wanted one growing up. I loved my Nintendo 64, though. <3

And all my old consoles. ;w; I grew up playing the NES. My earliest memories are of Super Mario World and Mega Man 2, playing with my mom. 8D

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