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Coda 08-05-2019 01:09 PM

It wouldn't make a difference. Firefox on iOS is just a Safari reskin, because ALL browsers on iOS are just Safari reskins due to App Store acceptance policy.

Espy 08-06-2019 02:57 AM

-snort- Ew.

Espy 08-08-2019 01:43 PM

Psst hey Coda, you know what would be a cool feature? If mousing over a square would highlight the entire row and column. (less necessary for like, 10x10, but things can get weird after 20x20)

Coda 08-08-2019 02:13 PM

Hmm... Little bit tricky to do efficiently. But I'll put it on the list.

Espy 08-08-2019 02:36 PM

Yeah I'm trying the 20x20 seed you suggested and it gets a little wonky trying to trace numbers back

Espy 08-08-2019 06:12 PM

Eyy finally finished that seed

took me a while bc I messed up the first time.

Espy 08-12-2019 03:39 PM

Try 20x20 369263794; that one's fun.

Coda 08-12-2019 07:09 PM

*loads it up* Huh. Yeah, looks like it.

EDIT: Yeah, that was a good one. Took me almost an hour because I apparently made a mistake somewhere. I hadn't even made any guesses yet, so it must have been a misclick or something, and I didn't notice until it led to a contradiction with half the board already green.

Coda 08-12-2019 11:41 PM


Mobile works now. It's not perfect and it really suffers from not being able to hover on stuff, but it's playable.

The row/column highlighting you asked for is implemented.

The keyboard shortcuts have changed. Now pressing shift toggles between mark and X (instead of holding shift temporarily switching) and backspace switches to erase mode.

Espy 08-13-2019 12:41 AM

Oh man that's fancy. Thanks Coda.

Espy 08-13-2019 12:57 AM

20x20 527360857, haven't finished it yet but if you start on the left like I did, you'll likely end up expanding towards the right and it's really cool to see it roll out in one direction like that.

Coda 08-13-2019 11:04 AM

Oh, shoot, I broke the seed input.

EDIT: Think I fixed it but the caching is kinda aggressive.

EDIT: Finished it. ~20 minutes. I ended up starting more towards the top-right, and while the left edge did fill in pretty quickly I didn't really have that sweep like you described.

EDIT: Blah, shift is too finicky of a shortcut. I should bind something else to it as well. Maybe space bar.

EDIT: Okay, cleaned up the keyboard handling some. Bound space in addition to shift, but the adjustment made it more reliable anyway.

Coda 08-14-2019 10:26 PM

Pushed up an upgrade.

New feature: Undo/Redo. The undo state isn't saved in your save file, so if you leave the page and come back you lose your undo history. It also gets blanked out if you take damage in...

New feature: Life mode. In life mode, trying to mark a square that shouldn't be marked deals damage to you. (X'ing a square that should be marked has no penalty.) This gives you a hint about the puzzle solution.

Espy 08-14-2019 11:12 PM

Kind of missing the reclick-to-remove feature; backspace is weird and hard to reach. (There's a weird thing that I do that involves using x to delineate possibilities and where certain blocks end, which means I end up backspacing a lot.)

Coda 08-14-2019 11:44 PM

I use the same technique. Maybe I can hook up right-click as "erase".

Coda 08-15-2019 10:26 AM

Another update. Mostly bugfixes, but I added a couple of noteworthy things.

New feature: Help screen. Should be self-evident.

New feature: Drag cancelling. Press Escape on the keyboard, click the right mouse button while mouse dragging, or tap another finger on the screen while touch dragging to cancel the current drag. (This isn't so important in free mode, especially with undo, but it matters in life mode.)

Update: The Z key switches to erase mode in addition to backspace now.

EDIT: Huh. Life mode makes for an interesting challenge. My wife thinks it's actually easier, but as someone used to free mode, having to be more careful about where I mark things is proving to be intriguing. I just solved a 15x15 with no damage -- that is, I never made a mistake.

EDIT: Ack, fixing the page sizing bug introduces a different one -- if the board doesn't fit on the screen, then you can't scroll to see the rest. It's not a problem on mobile because it'll just zoom out, but on desktop... Fixed.

EDIT: Cleared a 20x20 taking 3 damage. One was unavoidable. The other two were mistakes, though one of them MIGHT have been unavoidable in the long run.

EDIT: Next feature I should add: endgame hints. If you've gotten the whole board green, but it hasn't marked it as a win, then it should highlight which rows aren't in the correct final form so you can shuffle around your answers to fix it. Only worth anything in Free mode, I suppose.

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