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Jyuudaime 03-22-2011 04:37 PM

Let's Get Started.
ready steady go.
Please. trust me.


Have fun Haze!

I cosplay Tsuna irl~! 8D
They only have the original Japanese.
There are no plans to dub it yet.
Though, I just found out I was subject to a Wiki prank...
They put down Johnny Yong Bosch for Tsuna. And Vic Mignogna for Gokudera.
Which would totally mess up everything. ; - ;
But they haven't even bought the license to dub it. 8D


Haze 03-22-2011 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Hero (Post 589346)
FFF Tsuna
I think a friend of mine was planning to cosplay him soon o3o;

In Japanese or English?

Excel tests suck your soul :c

IKR. I hate theeeeeeeeeeeem. *Dies* Still working :C

Hero 03-22-2011 04:57 PM

Cosplaying is <3
Have any picture?
I did a casual Hibari and I did Fuuta although I need to fix the wig
I really want to cosplay Enma (Hes so cute when he gets abused <3) and Colonello

FFF I dislike dubs in general
I need to check out the anime later o:

Noooo! Don't die Haze D':

Haze 03-22-2011 05:07 PM

DONE. That was hard.

Lol Hero. B| I died long ago.

Haze 03-22-2011 05:08 PM

Hopefully my iPod listens to me today.

Jyuudaime 03-22-2011 05:13 PM

I have no pictures. ; - ;
I was too busy taking pictures at con... that I got none of myself. xD
Dubs are horrid. ; - ;
Abused Enma. ; u ;
I wanna cosplay Chrome! <333

Okay Haze! Take care.
I'll talk to you when you return! 8D

I have to take a shower.

Hero 03-22-2011 07:10 PM

Everyones gone D:

Well you should take pictures next time~
I know! Enma is <3

Jyuudaime 03-22-2011 07:14 PM

Okay~ I shall totally take pictures next time. <33
True true.

I have this theory, that Enma's sister is MM...
Mami. MM.
Spade set everything up. Spade is the mist.
Spade sent Mami to Mukuro. Could be a possible spy.
Mukuro is the mist too. And MM has redish hair. 8'D

Otouto 03-22-2011 07:18 PM

As lame as the plot is I admit I like this anime/manga. xD

Hero 03-22-2011 07:19 PM

Do it ~ <3

Sounds familiar.

Jyuudaime 03-22-2011 07:24 PM

Oto, KHR is the only anime where I enjoy the fillers. xD
Hero, Mami was Enma's younger sister, who was said to be killed by Tsuna's Dad.

Otouto 03-22-2011 07:27 PM

Lol, that's amazing.
I can't stand any fillers. That's mostly because of my short attention span though. x_x
It's the only anime i've watched past episode 100. :'D

Jyuudaime 03-22-2011 07:29 PM

AHA! I watched Naruto and Bleach, once upon a time. Their fillers are crap. I only cared for the Zanpakuto arc.
I love Reborn arcs. > A<
Because Tsuna is cute.

Hero 03-22-2011 07:30 PM

Had to look it up
Yey for reborn wiki
I remember now

That would make sense
And I meant whose MM lol
I don't remember her being mentioned in the manga o_o;;

+1oo for Otouto <3

Jyuudaime 03-22-2011 07:33 PM

She was the one who blew things up with her clarinet. She fought Bianchi. 8D

Otouto 03-22-2011 07:34 PM

Lol. I tried to watch them but I gave up. xD
Tsuna is adorable. >w< If I was Gokudera I would have jumped him already.
I want to shoot magical mafia laser beams. D':<

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