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bluebird 03-04-2018 01:03 AM

because they love giving us a hard time.
but for real tho, quality stuff takes a while. I imagine the work probably has to be resubmitted multiple times for executive approval at every stage (script, voice, storyboard, animation, music rights, legal compliance with broadcasting rules, etc.). Making an episode of anime from scratch would be interesting to see.

KittyBeary 03-04-2018 01:57 AM

Because they want us to suffer. D: (Nah they just wanna make sure they don't screw it up. ;u; )

mdom 03-04-2018 12:03 PM

yeah it's no the 90s anymore xDD

KittyBeary 03-06-2018 11:12 PM

Yes, things have changed. ;w; (I miss the era of 2D Disney movies lel)

Anywho, I hope to finally start watching that mummy anime this week. ;u; I keep putting it off LOL.

bluebird 03-08-2018 03:01 AM

i saw one gif of it (mummy popping up from a shoe).
i thought it was cryaotic/chaoticmonkey (a youtuber) lmao.

KittyBeary 03-21-2018 06:13 AM

I watched the first two episodes. It's really cute. uwu

Also it looks like we'll be getting Yuri on Ice season 2 by the end of the year. So maybe fall?? XD

bluebird 03-21-2018 03:30 PM

i'd be in me nan's grave by then.

KittyBeary 03-22-2018 02:59 AM

We'll be watching S2 from the cemetery. =w=b

mdom 03-22-2018 11:01 AM

If I waited 20 years for evangelion's manga... you can wait a few years for that anime xDDD

KittyBeary 03-26-2018 09:21 PM

In the meantime I'm really hyped for the Persona 5 anime. I haven't played the game yet but I've been wanting to. :(

mdom 03-26-2018 09:31 PM

Iirc Serra Britt played them all xD

also nice new avatar Kitty!

KittyBeary 03-27-2018 01:45 AM

I've played some of 3 and 4. ;w; And thanks!

bluebird 03-31-2018 01:59 AM

the persona5 anime op looks dope tho

KittyBeary 04-03-2018 04:03 AM

Yesss. <3

(I finally finished Sanrio Danshi and it was cute. ;u; )

bluebird 04-05-2018 01:58 AM

agreed. aint that the cutest shi >w<
i..what...*googles*....i love anime.
besides the fact that it's produced by Sanrio, and the whole anime is like a subtle marketing campaign to expand their consumer base
i think the general message is great: we should be accepting of people who like different things.

KittyBeary 04-11-2018 12:03 AM

Yes. <3 It turned out better than what I was expecting. XD

I'm being lazy with watching new anime this season, but I'll get to it. x_x

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