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Merskelly Metalien 12-23-2018 02:57 AM

:) I love how there are no advertisements to be found here...taking a moment to appreciate that. -u- <3 *sips cup of chamomile tea* Would anyone else care for some tea? Espy?..I have dry tea if you'd like? ^-^;?

Espy 12-23-2018 04:08 AM

<It is fine; all I need is a power outlet.>

CRT's not exactly capable of... consuming food and drink.

Derpy McBlueEyes 12-23-2018 04:12 AM

Derpy scootches over next to Espy/CRT, being careful not to spill his tea.

Merskelly Metalien 12-23-2018 04:19 AM

Just finished writing a short bedtime story off the top of my head. -.o Phew.~ *stretches arms* >w< I'm hungy. Anybody care for a snack?? or some random music lyrics?

Death by Mirrors 12-23-2018 06:41 AM

Cute story.
*sips tea* No snacks for me right now, thanks. There'll be plenty of fish on our table tomorrow - my grandma bought enough for six or seven people. She's a wonderful person, albeit sometimes she forgets she no longer needs to cook for the whole extended family. And now my uncle has taken her to Vienna to visit my other uncle, so she herself won't even be around for dinner ^^

*offers the Merskelly a fried cod*

Merskelly Metalien 12-23-2018 04:08 PM

Thank you. :) It wasn't Christmas-y but hopefully still nice. ^-^;
Ahh, that's a lot of fish! *takes the cod and nibbles on it* :3 Though it's always nice to have family's homecooked meals for the holidays. My grandma can't cook anymore, so usually my mom or auntie does the food preparation. It's still good. ^-^; though I won't eat tamales anymore..

Death by Mirrors 12-23-2018 06:07 PM

Well, Pengore didn't demand the story to be christmas-y. And to be honest I'm not at all in the mood due to lack of snow (in real life), so it's a nice change from all the gold and glitter.

Merskelly Metalien 12-23-2018 07:00 PM

That is true. :) I'm just happy it was read. <3

mdom 12-23-2018 10:02 PM

Just one question, will there be a time when the pond water... won't be wet?

Merskelly Metalien 12-23-2018 10:12 PM

:c unfortunately yes. *nods* when the water turns into toxic molten plasma, it won't be wet anymore. It'll be...>-> painful.

Death by Mirrors 12-23-2018 10:23 PM

Can we do that on Christmas eve? For science?

mdom 12-23-2018 10:24 PM

I'll stay on the dry side, just... because

Merskelly Metalien 12-23-2018 10:41 PM

^~^; It's not dangerous, it's just alien water. :) As long as no one tosses massive amounts of phosphorus and evil rubber things into the water, we should be good. You could try for science, <.< buuuut you're going to need a lot of patience and protective gear...and I'm going to have a huge mess to clean. =.=;....Tea? :)

mdom 12-23-2018 10:47 PM

Hmm, I do support scientific curiosity...

yes, iced tea, please!

Merskelly Metalien 12-23-2018 10:52 PM

o-o Iced.….tea...?
*looks into space lamenting someone* TT-TT yes...
What sort? I can only make hot tea, but if I try, I can cool it down. ;u;

mdom 12-23-2018 10:53 PM

Sorry, but it's summer over here D:
I don't think I could drink hot tea...

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