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Arix 11-22-2010 03:11 AM

@Xia You can be ignorant of different things and in different ways. Yeah, we're probably not talking about the same type of ignorance.

I'm honestly friends with most of the staff including the Admins. I talk to them all quite a bit. I honestly don't understand why people don't like them. If you can explain in an objective way why you or others don't like the site I am willing to here it. I just really don't like when people call the admins or staff assholes with no explanations which I have seen. Just if we do begin to discuss something of the sort know that I will listen but if I feel like there's something I can explain I will say it.

O I'm not that happy with Chloria right now. I donated to it in the beginning. I'm rather regretting it at the moment. I've kind of given up on it. I'm on Trisphee because I found a lot of the friends I made on Chloria are here. Plus there's some very kick ass items here.

Arix 11-22-2010 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by Sakura (Post 278675)
Solia is alright but i personally like roliana better, its got better costume designs imo

Roli bugs me because they have a whole thread used to bitch about other avatar sites. I personally don't like when staff enforces and participates in bad mouthing other sites and/or their staff.

Roli's avatars aren't that bad though and I'll be honest and say I never joined it so I don't know the community of it.

xia 11-22-2010 03:16 AM

They banned me for making a suggestion regarding the "dolly" items in the Suggestions and Feedback forum. :/ And of course, after banning me they took me up on my advice. Their little note when I go to log in and see I'm banned? "Bye Xia".

xia 11-22-2010 03:17 AM

Regarding Roliana, their avatars are tilted-looking and have that stupid random-hand-holding-nothing pose STILL. >__>

Arix 11-22-2010 03:31 AM

@Xia There has to be more of a reason than that. Many, many people make suggestions and aren't banned. I can't see you being the acceptation to that. How many warnings did you have? Were you a part of that whole Haley fiasco?

Damies 11-22-2010 03:33 AM

Haley fiasco?

Arix 11-22-2010 03:39 AM

From what I know since some of it occurred before I joined, Haley got banned and some of her friends started a shit storm. I think they got banned too for that. Eventually Haley actually was allowed back. Haley then tried to start shit with Iscariot in a thread in TS while also discussing her former ban which is against the ToS. She was then perma banned.

Damies 11-22-2010 03:44 AM

Huh, I knew about her getting banned, and coming back but I didn't hear that she was banned again.

xia 11-22-2010 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by Arix (Post 278722)
@Xia There has to be more of a reason than that. Many, many people make suggestions and aren't banned. I can't see you being the acceptation to that. How many warnings did you have? Were you a part of that whole Haley fiasco?

They banned me because they didn't like me. :/ They used any excuse they could, until finally they banned me, just because. And whether there was a real reason or not how they handled it was highly inappropriate~

They didn't like me because I openly gave not-so-nice feedback sometimes, and didn't kiss their ass.

And no, I wasn't, but when I made a comment on my mule regarding text font, making a joke, I got banned on that account while the other person only had a two-week ban.

They make up rumors about other site staff as well. They also ban other site staff for no other reason than to "make an example" of them.

You'd be surprised what the staff, especially Iscariot, does.

xia 11-22-2010 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by Arix (Post 278742)
From what I know since some of it occurred before I joined, Haley got banned and some of her friends started a shit storm. I think they got banned too for that. Eventually Haley actually was allowed back. Haley then tried to start shit with Iscariot in a thread in TS while also discussing her former ban which is against the ToS. She was then perma banned.

Haley was given far too many chances, IMO. Also the amount of warnings one gets to be banned varies from person to person.

Arix 11-22-2010 04:00 AM

@Xia Now that would make more sense. Finding an excuse to ban you because they didn't like you. That happens on all sites though. If the admins don't like you there's no point to trying to stay on a site. Yes, it's not highly mature or professional but it happens online and in the real world as well. It's something you have to learn to cope with and adapt to.

Do you mean no-so-nice as in not agreeing with them or saying it in a not so nice manner? They have really buckled down recently on how things are said when giving support or feedback.

I have heard rumors but there hasn't been any big drama on the site since I joined other than what happened with Haley. I agree she had too many chances.

About the amount of warnings per ban and how that differs per person, I do know that occurs and I don't agree with it. They have that list in the rules about how many warns to a ban and yet they don't use it. Maybe I should talk to Iscariot about that. He was asking me recently if there was anything him or the staff was doing wrong.

What rumors have they made up about other staff? I do honestly want to know. If you want to know I've been on Solia since Nov 09 but I have heard and read some of the older stuff. Like I know what happened to Hannah. When I joined the staff was only Iscariot, Dekkard, Turgon, Gargy, Yanagi, Stitches, Rasen and Starry.

Damies 11-22-2010 04:05 AM

Something happened to Hannah?! o Ao

xia 11-22-2010 04:06 AM

Regardless, you'd think they're better than that, but I shouldn't be surprised. :/ They didn't like me because I didn't always agree with them, which is fucking STUPID. I don't care if the whole "finding an excuse to ban someone" thing happens, it doesn't mean it's just a-okay.

And of course they buckle down because if they don't they'll ban/lose their paycheck. Would you smack a tasty sandwich right out of your mouth? Probably not.

They made up a rumor that they had reason to sue Ernya but couldn't because she lives in France. UHM, SHE LIVES IN WASHINGTON. Idiots.
And looool 90% of their staff suck. Xanurel and Stitches shouldn't even be there, they just happen to be the lead asskissers.

Arix 11-22-2010 04:16 AM

@DMS She left the site. Like ages ago. Before I joined.

@Xia You'd think everyone would be above that but they're not. All sites do it. All jobs do it. If your boss dislikes you you won't have a job for long. It's a common occurrence online and off.

I don't think that would be the only reason they wouldn't like you. There are people who disagree with them all the time and they aren't banned. I said to Dekkard's face that I thought he was wrong on something.

Of course it doesn't mean it's okay. You just can't expect more of them then you can of everyone else in their position. You don't think if the heads of this site didn't like me they wouldn't find a way to ban me?

I don't understand the reasoning behind buckling down on how feedback and support is given relates to banning or donating.

I have no idea about that because I wasn't there for the Ernya thing.

I actually partially agree about Xan. I was kinda worried when she was promoted. All the staff do seem to be doing a good job though. I've never heard/seen anything bad about Stitches. I did see something bad involving Gargy though. He spoke badly against Rasen and that upset me. Staff shouldn't be talking bad about other staff.

xia 11-22-2010 04:22 AM

The staff likes to play favorites, in both ways. :/

And there's a big difference between losing a job because the boss doesn't like you, and being banned from a site because the admin don't like you. I can tell you right now the head admin on Ernya HATES me (used to be part of the staff too), at least I think, and about a year ago we got into a huge fight, but she never banned me.

Well, you don't want to scare your users away by acting like a douche just because someone happens to not like something on the site? So obviously you'd try to improve.

Damies 11-22-2010 04:22 AM

I think site admins and staff need to be above petty squabbles and not let personal feeling get in the way of efficient and fair site management.

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