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Coda 11-13-2018 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by DreadedMartian (Post 1883821)
I'll be honest I cringed when I heard it would be online. I wasn't even gonna buy it, buuuut I LOVE Fallout. I even let myself get excited before more details were released and there were only rumors going around about what it would be. I dont know....I figured factions would for sure be a thing and you could join them and maybe even have faction wars. NOPE. None of that. And thats really only the tip of that iceberg.

Factions might be able to arise organically from player interaction rather than something implemented by the game itself.

The online aspect didn't put me off in and of itself, but the problem is that it isn't a Fallout game. It's set in the Fallout universe, sure, but it doesn't play like a Fallout game.

@Espy: FO76 and ME:A both didn't spend enough time in development, this is true, but in both cases I think there was also a matter of too much ambition, not enough attention to business realities, and a stubborn refusal to pivot to the "let's get this ready to ship" phase in time for launch as a result of the other two. The amount of development time would have been sufficient if they had noticed a few months earlier that they weren't going to hit their deadline and they needed to figure out how to turn what they had into a complete game.

Claptrap 11-13-2018 01:51 PM

To be honest I thought that a lot of the hate that ME got was pretty harsh, I don't think it's a terrible game. I didn't enjoy it as much as the original trilogy but I still thought it was pretty fun. Though it did get a little grindy in the middle so I took a break when I was playing and swapped to something else. That being said, it wasn't terrible.

I think with 76 a lot of the interactions and faction creation within the game has to come from roleplay. Since there are no human NPCs you kind of have to adopt these roles yourself. But with the way the perk and skill system works it's really hard to select a specific build because the perks get randomised from what I can tell, which again just makes the whole roleplay aspect a bit harder. Also considering that this kind of content is coming from other people it's kind of hard to gauge what your experiences will be like. For example people that are really into the Fallout universe and embrace the lore of the franchise and everything might get more into the idea of creating characters, where as someone that's just here to run and gun and for the loot won't be putting in that same effort as someone who is looking to play a traditional Fallout.

Coda 11-13-2018 02:02 PM

It's all a question of standards. ME:A probably would have gone over fine if it had been released in a vacuum -- it might have still had some of the obvious development failures get mocked, but since the core gameplay is basically fine it would have been forgivable.

The problem is that it was MASSIVELY hyped up... and it cost $69.99.

People did not get what they expected, nor did they get what they paid for.

Claptrap 11-13-2018 02:20 PM

That's a very fair point. I never actually bought it on release, I got it on sale for like £15 so that's probably why I don't really have any gripes about the game. That's also why I'm wanting to wait to play 76, because if I get it cheap enough the possible short comings won't be as much of a sickener to me.

DreadedMartian 11-14-2018 12:23 AM

The thing about the factions is we are assuming alot about people naturally coming together and building these factions on their own. I mean we are talking about a base of people that are use to playing fallout solo. But I do think people will break loose from that familiarity in order to expand and grow in this particular fallout world. Now I did hear that they will be adding factions later on so we will be getting factions eventually accompanied with faction pvp.

My main gripe is that I don't want companies thinking its okay to keep sending out half finished games and just patching them up as they go. I'm okay with bugs, i'm okay with imperfection. I am not okay with half-assery and playing victim of 'entitled gamers'. I'm what the industry would call a 'spender' or 'whale'. I will gladly pay good money for good products. But they have to be good. To be called entitled because I have standards in what I will spend my money on is a slap in the face. Nobody said that here, but elsewhere that is the message.

Coda 11-14-2018 01:11 AM

I think you're right, and I think the people who are used to Fallout as a solo game are going to hold back the grand vision for the game for a LONG time until alliances start to form more organically.

DreadedMartian 11-14-2018 01:49 AM

I absolutely agree. I will admit I 100% did not want an online fallout. But I allowed myself to grow outta that mindset and actually get excited for it. Its an ambitious idea but still a good idea. With that said, Bethesda fumbled this too much to not take notice. I'm gonna follow through with my purchase, but after this I am really gonna take an inward look at myself and change the ways I spend money on video games. I gladly participate in pre-ordering and micro transactions and its becoming evident how negative the impact of these things are in the gaming industry. I know people need to make money, I'm all for it, but there is a limit. And I think we are reaching it.

Coda 11-14-2018 12:53 PM

I'm fine with preorders in a general sense. I appreciate knowing that my local store is going to have enough copies for me, and in the rare case where prerelease feedback says the game isn't worth buying, I can still cancel it, or I can try it for myself anyway if I think it's still worth a shot.

Microtransactions I'm... cautious about. It really depends on how the game does it and how much of the game you can play without getting nickel-and-dimed to death.

Espy 11-15-2018 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by Coda (Post 1884140)
I think you're right, and I think the people who are used to Fallout as a solo game are going to hold back the grand vision for the game for a LONG time until alliances start to form more organically.

TBH, I get the feeling that most of the player base of FO76 will be people who played FO4, and potentially FO:NV, and /maybe/ FO3.

I’m a latecomer to the Fallout scene, to be honest, but IMO FO4 isn’t a good Fallout game. It’s a damn good /game/, but it doesn’t feel like Fallout. I was hoping for something like more akin to the Obsidian Fallouts, and since that’s already not a thing, I’ll wait to see if the game is at least /good/.

DreadedMartian 11-15-2018 03:50 AM

Coda - The thing about pre-orders is it puts pressure on a company to stick to release dates even if the game isn't really quite finished yet. However I know there is an easy fix to this somewhere that would be acrimonious to both sides of the table.

Espy- Spoiler Alert FO4 wasn't all that great. It looked a bit better than FO:NV, but that was really it. The biggest complaint would be the boring main story. But the Mechanics were almost like a step backward, in my opinion. HOWEVER the DLC was pretty good. Nuka World is awesome and I was excited to play it repeatedly for the different results. I Loved being able to build buuut that system sucked dick more than a little and proved to be quite annoying.

SoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo Will anyone other than me be playing Fallout 76? Ill be playing on Xbox only. I don't have a good PC to play games on right now.

Coda 11-15-2018 08:52 AM

I... had no complaints at all about FO4? Admittedly I hadn't played the earlier games so it's entirely possible it's not as good, but it was a perfectly fine game.

Claptrap 11-15-2018 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by DreadedMartian (Post 1884133)
My main gripe is that I don't want companies thinking its okay to keep sending out half finished games and just patching them up as they go.

I can't even explain just how much I agree with this. So few developers actually take the time to release a fully finished game now. Like if you take No Man's Sky for example, the patch it received a few months ago has only just brought that game in line with what players were promised from the get-go. About two years too late. I'd much rather developers have some transparency and say if a game isn't going to be ready in time and just push back the launch date.

I also think games need to stop adding "DLC" that are features which should have been included in the base game, but that's a completely different argument haha

With Fallout 4, I enjoyed it for what it was. In comparison to the earlier games it was lacking in some respects for me. I personally love a lot of the more fun quests or the random events you could get from the wild wasteland perk (like the gang of old ladies in Fallout NV) and I did feel like 4 was missing a lot of the humour the earlier games had. However it did build upon some things and some aspects I really enjoyed. It's probably ranked bottom of the list for me in terms of which Fallout games are my favourites, but it was still something I enjoyed and I got a lot of hours out of. The DLC for Fallout 4 was pretty good though. I hated settlement building though so the contraptions one was a little lost on me haha

I'll probably pick up 76 at some point, but no I'm not going to be playing at launch. How are you enjoying it so far,

Stabbsworth 11-18-2018 06:20 PM

I've heard that the 76 beta can't be deleted unless you purchase the game. So, that's pretty bad.

Espy 11-19-2018 02:00 AM

...Right-click folder, hit delete?

Stabbsworth 11-21-2018 12:42 PM

* can't be conveniently deleted from the launcher.
Plus you have to go to the recycle bin, which takes two clicks, then press another button to get it to delete everything in there.

Espy 11-21-2018 03:59 PM


I s2g, gaming communities can be the most entitled, bratty, and toxic groups out there.

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