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trystan830 01-12-2021 01:27 AM

i've read 2 on the Gryffindor and Slytherin lists, and have one from Slytherin on my to-read list. (i mean, i've read 3 from Slytherin, if you count reading the Prince waaaaay back in high school! X )

i've read 3-1/2 on the Hufflepuff list. couldn't finish the 1/2. couldn't even get into it. (Love in the time of Cholera)

i've read 3 (maybe 4) on the Ravenclaw list, with one on my want-to-read list. (i'm pretty sure i've read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)

this is the link - - but i'm pretty sure you need to be logged into in insta to be able to scroll through

trystan830 01-14-2021 06:33 PM

and i finished You by Caroline Kepnes! :)

Kaderin Triste 01-16-2021 06:16 PM

...was going to work on my currently in progress book...instead started a different on on Thurs. Lol
But only because the wip book was in my bag in the bedroom, but I was in the living room next to my bookcase. So I grabbed the first book of a trilogy. I've read the book before, but never finished the series as the library in my home town hadn't had the other 2 books when I first read it.

trystan830 01-16-2021 06:19 PM

i realised when i finally start reading Poldark, one of the books in the middle is NOT at my library system. i might have to put in a Purchase Suggestion when i check out the book right before it.

i also have 7 books on hold at the library. i wonder if i won't get them all in at once. XD

Kaderin Triste 01-16-2021 06:26 PM

Oh you and your large number of holds!

I have no books on hold, but do still need to take a good number of books back. I forgot to get them to the library a couple weeks ago, but thankfully, one of my friends works there so he renewed them all for me. I'll have to make an effort to get them back next week though.

trystan830 01-16-2021 07:54 PM


i'm hoping to get two in a timely fashion.

the others are quite popular.

Den 01-20-2021 02:55 PM

Today, I read The Weller, and The Weller: Fear of the Dark. Both are by a friend of mine, Adam J. Whitlatch. Both stories are set in the Midwest, in Nebraska, Iowa, and Missouri.

trystan830 01-20-2021 03:08 PM

while i'm in the middle of reading my own book, i get an email that two holds are available at the library for pick up. well, i have two weeks to get them, so there's that...

i might get one later today or tomorrow though.

Kaderin Triste 01-25-2021 05:28 PM

Am gonna try to finish 1 book tonight/tomorrow since it's probably getting close to being due back at the library soon...

trystan830 01-25-2021 08:55 PM

i got Hidden Bodies, the sequal to You (and season 2 of the netflix show) from the library today. i'll update my sig once i start reading it XD

Kaderin Triste 01-26-2021 11:29 PM

Woohoo! I finished my first book of the year! Which means that, so far, I am on track with my goal of 12 books. Still need to update the page count and progress of the other book on my list though.

trystan830 01-26-2021 11:50 PM

woo hoo!

I'm reading Hidden Bodies - it's the sequel to You (and S2 of the tv show You XD )

trystan830 02-04-2021 11:17 AM

i've finished Hidden Bodies, and now i'm reading the Once and Future Witches. i have 7 books on my library hold list, but three of them are still on order.

the one i've been waiting the longest on is Fortune & Glory, #27 from Janet Evanovich. my note on my phone says i put it on hold at the end of August, and it was published at the beginning of November. (but that's not entirely right - it was one of the holds i'd suspended due to NaNo, so i guess it's only been on hold since like November 23rd or so. maybe i ought to update that....) XD

Den 02-15-2021 03:02 AM

I keep meaning to get The Weller: Night of the Cicada read, but I keep getting distracted. Same with Birthright: Book 1 of the Temujin Saga. Both are also by my friend, Adam.

trystan830 02-15-2021 02:35 PM

oh that's very cool, Den!
welcome to this year's thread! let me know if you want me to link your post as your challenge thread or not. :)

trystan830 02-18-2021 04:48 PM

finished the Once and Future Witches. wow! that was a good one! :)

on to Leave the World Behind, i'm pretty sure i heard it mentioned on WHYY, which is also my local npr station :)

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