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Merskelly Metalien 04-07-2020 12:50 PM

It was plain white cake with lemon filling. :] Plus like a 6th of a tub of my favorite ice cream. =q= <3
It was just enough sugar for me! ^u^ So, I guess yes, it was tasty.

Coda 04-07-2020 02:32 PM

I mean, I'll be 38 later this month (as I said in the counting game: the number looks like big glasses and a droopy moustache!) but I've felt like I ought to be 25 years old since I was, like, 16.

I complained in the daily awful thread about my work laptop breaking, but as I mentioned there... there's a silver lining.

I never liked that laptop in the first place. Sure, the screen is beautiful and it's got the best trackpad on the market, and since it's for work the company paid for the fastest, most powerful hardware they could give me. But everything else about it... The last time Apple made a computer I actually liked was in 2015. Since then, they've neglected their developer tools, switched to a keyboard that stops working if it gets even a speck of dust in it, got rid of the Escape key and the F-keys in exchange for a stupid mini-touchscreen, got rid of the SD card slot and all of the USB Type A ports (at least it still has a headphone jack), and made changes to the operating system that don't make sense at all for someone that uses a computer the way I use it. Also it's a 15" laptop and to be completely honest I think it's just a little too big for my tastes.

But I said 2015, didn't I? Guess what laptop I had for myself before the company got me this one? A 13" 2015 MacBook Pro! The second-best keyboard Apple has ever made, an actual physical Escape key, the form factor I prefer, and a broader selection of ports. It's not without its flaws -- it only has one USB-A port and no USB-C ports, and since it's a 2015 model it's noticeably slower (though for what I'm doing right now it's not unusably slow) -- but by golly it avoids pissing me off at every turn!

And the best part?

It's not running macOS! It would be stupid to try running a version of macOS old enough to sidestep the complaints I have about the newer versions because lots of software doesn't support the old versions anymore, but I'm totally happy working on Linux. I can customize it to my heart's content, and as a software developer myself if there's something I don't like I can do something about it! I'm even working on my own desktop environment because none of the others I can find are quite do quite what I would like them to do. There are a couple that are close enough that I'd be fine using them if I had to -- but I don't have to settle!

Just today I finished building a program to let me connect to my work VPN where the servers are. I was truly baffled to discover that there wasn't anything out there already that would let me conveniently manage my VPN connection on Linux, but it wasn't terribly difficult or time-consuming to just make my own. Once I have some spare time (Trisphee's spring event has priority) I'll polish it up and publish it for other people to use.

Stabbsworth 04-08-2020 09:39 AM

that's quite neat.

the one thing i hate about this laptop is the trackpad, but my brother needed a mouse, so i gave the one i had sitting up in my room to him so he could use it to do his fuckin -- his fuckin jobsearch thingy.

there's a reason why i hoard things, sometimes they come in useful.

daikokunyo 04-09-2020 01:44 AM

i'm putting the finishing touches on a fest fic and i have two more commissioned fics lined up, waiting to be written. business is going good.

Kaderin Triste 04-10-2020 10:05 AM

At/around 2pm today, I will be off work for the weekend!

Could stay later or go in Saturday for just a couple more hours, as I'm allowed up to 25, but will only be at around 22(which is what I usually am closer to anyway), but the endless hours of scrubbing and attempting to organize art supplies is just mind-numbing. Yesterday, I got 3 shelf sections done (plus a couple other quick things) in just over 4.5 hours. Today, I tackle the paper! And everything else.

Sunako 04-11-2020 06:20 AM

Hmm my daily awesome was I got to try some very yummy chocolate mud cake. It was delish and I quite enjoyed it.

Merskelly Metalien 04-13-2020 03:49 PM

Built the frickin' sweet pillow fort I said I would, in the front room. xD
It's hekkin' perfect! I got water, blankets, pillows, my tail, books, the TV, my 3DS, and room for a smol bean to flop around in. x}
Just gathering up the last of the VHS tapes to include... :P

Sunako 04-20-2020 06:36 AM

My daily awesome is I got to do some baking, and made some potato egg muffins, they taste amazing. :) Made the same thing last week too, cant get enough of them. Hahaha

daikokunyo 04-20-2020 08:09 AM

i got to eat some very sweet, perfectly ripe mango. yum.

Coda 04-20-2020 10:53 AM

I wrote original music for the first time in years! And it came out great!

I'll be honest, I don't know where I learned to do that. But it's a joy to have done so.

trystan830 04-20-2020 11:43 AM

oh that's really cool, Coda!

Merskelly Metalien 04-20-2020 06:47 PM

:D I played a game of Monopoly with my brother and although I hate Monopoly because it's impossible and also I've never played a game of Monopoly and finished it, <x'D I had fun getting rich and stealing his money and going to Jail, and watching the game totally screw him over, only to have my money totally stolen from me by him and my property sold and mortgaged away, so I voluntarily lost,
<x'D because by then we were both hungry as hell and the game had lasted 2 hours and 22 minutes.

daikokunyo 04-21-2020 01:32 AM

the birds that hang out outside the balcony are increasing in number, and i'm pretty sure it's cause of the lockdown and people staying home and nature running riot and all that like the news says. anyway, i'm happy to hear them chirping away and occasionally seeing them bouncing on a branch.

Merskelly Metalien 04-21-2020 11:43 PM

Had a good session with my therapist over the phone today. :)
I'm honestly glad he supports my ideas for my future even if they involve dropping out of college to do so. <.< S'not like college is gonna be on campus anytime soon anyways, and I don't do so well with online college classes. Might as well attempt to pursue something that uses my creativity and gives me monies. :}

daikokunyo 04-22-2020 01:04 AM

today was my neighbour's birthday and she baked a lemon cake for herself c: she gave us a piece and we gifted her a smol perfume bottle that was still in its wrapping :D

Coda 04-22-2020 08:05 PM

Okay, now that I've had a couple days to recover, I can actually bring myself to look at stuff on the Internet again!

I was SUPER exhausted yesterday, but Ludum Dare 46 was an ASTOUNDING success. This is by far the best game I've ever submitted for a jam -- indeed, it's the best game I've ever completed! (I've had jam games that had the POTENTIAL to be better, but I've never finished them before.)

I haven't felt this exhilarated about a jam since my first one.

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