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Kali_Namir 02-03-2012 06:09 PM

"But it's 5pm Hunny, a nap would be futile at this point"

hyjin 02-03-2012 06:12 PM

"yeah it would..."

Kali_Namir 02-03-2012 06:14 PM

"Yeah it totally would"

*Cuddles closer taking another sip of her drink*

hyjin 02-03-2012 06:16 PM

*takes a sip*
"i feel sleepy..."

NikkoGallarado 02-03-2012 06:17 PM

Places the clip bored down leans back against the counter starts to fix everything the way he wants it.

I am the manry-est of men!

hyjin 02-03-2012 06:21 PM

"reorganizing there shelf there nikko?"

NikkoGallarado 02-03-2012 06:31 PM

"Yes as much as I like the set up it not how I like it. so I will see if I can make it worth while."

I am the manry-est of men!

hyjin 02-03-2012 07:00 PM

"well it is good to change things to feel comfortable"

Alpha 02-03-2012 07:04 PM

*walks out of his room and stretches* "Well, it seems a nap was what I needed. Feeling much better now" *walks over to the bar and takes a seat* "Good evening everyone."

NikkoGallarado 02-03-2012 07:17 PM

"Hello Alpha anything you would like today?"

I am the manry-est of men!

Tiva 02-03-2012 07:20 PM

*follows slowly in behind Alpha and curls up on a couch near the bar* Long nap lets up stay up all Night and celebrate Nikko's birthday

Alpha 02-03-2012 07:26 PM

*looks over at Nikko* "Um, sure. I'll just take a soda if that's okay."

NikkoGallarado 02-03-2012 07:45 PM

"Always what kind of soda? I would love to stay up all night and plays cause it mah birthday but I wont be able to." frowns some.

I am the manry-est of men!

Alpha 02-03-2012 07:47 PM

"Aww, now that is just rotten. Work have you on an early shift? And I guess just a plain old Coke will work,"

hyjin 02-03-2012 07:49 PM

"What? Nikko has to work on his birthday... that is no fun."

Tiva 02-03-2012 07:56 PM

*hugs Nikko* we will make it better Nikko. Tell Ed I said to give you a hug *winks*

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