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Kaderin Triste 12-11-2016 09:31 PM

I managed to completely miss the thanksgiving event.

Lee 12-11-2016 09:32 PM

I started two days ago!

XoGizmooX 12-11-2016 09:33 PM

Join Date: 02-26-2014
ACTUALLY I take that back I JOINED LONG AGO OBVIOUSLY but never posted or anything so I made it and (ran) :/

Satan 12-11-2016 09:38 PM

I have two music alarms, one set to go off at 10AM and another at 10:30AM but it's from my iphone and it's not too loud.. I really hope that isnt the probelem i cant get up in the morning if i dont have alarms :(

XoGizmooX 12-11-2016 09:40 PM

Maybe switch the music alarms to something else???? Puppy sounds or something????

Kaderin Triste 12-11-2016 09:42 PM

Aww...I hope that's not the problem too...

Satan 12-11-2016 10:03 PM

@Gizmo im not quite sure puppy sounds would wake me up, my barking dog alarm at 8am hardly wakes me up

@Kaderin i cant remeber when it even started to know if that is the problem D;

Kaderin Triste 12-11-2016 10:09 PM

I hope it's not anyway, but is there any way to test various sounds or music styles? Maybe it's just a certain tone...

Lee 12-11-2016 10:10 PM

Just switch it to a different sound. Something constant and repetitive, but not musical. x'D Maybe puppy is mad because he doesn't like you leaving, and you leave shortly after the alarm?

Damies 12-11-2016 10:30 PM


Today was bad.

Kaderin Triste 12-11-2016 10:37 PM

Nooo! But...but it was supposed to be a good day!

Damies 12-11-2016 10:45 PM

I just wanna sleep but we gotta wrap gifties....

Edit I still gotta MAKE some gifties....

Kaderin Triste 12-11-2016 10:52 PM

I still have to make ALL the gifties...

Damies 12-11-2016 10:54 PM


Kaderin Triste 12-11-2016 10:58 PM

I seriously fell asleep making the blanket last night. Woke up about an hour after I had crashed to find Shade napping on the blanket.

Damies 12-11-2016 11:00 PM

Dawwwww.... My mom falls asleep crocheting and has to unto her sleep stitches that her hands do while she is zonked out. xD

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