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littl3chocobo 06-23-2011 10:18 PM

left arm, my drawing one, no, this was last week, i've been home trying to get better, though the last few days i have been drawing so obviously i am better

Quiet Man Cometh 06-24-2011 05:46 AM

The doc is probably concerned that there might be nastier damage than has shown up so far. That happens a fair bit with car accidents, which is partially why insurance companies like to get any claims out of the way as soon as possible before nastier problems show up. My sister began to gret headaches and neck pain related to the car crash we had and that stuck around for a good two years. Not sure if it's still a problem or not.

And your work probably doesn't want you to do anything that might cause further injury to avoid any possible workers' compensation which I hear is an absolute pain in the neck to deal with.

I like varying kinds of pizza depending on mood, as long as it has a veggie or fruit of some kind and a meat of some kind. No flat pepporoni for me.

Quiet Man Cometh 06-24-2011 05:49 AM

oops. my bad. net is acting up and site was slow. Do I need to ask a mod to remove this?

littl3chocobo 06-24-2011 06:36 AM

no, i don't think so, i have double posted a few times

maybe, though i got a clean bill yesterday to go back(we will ignore that i refused to talk about my hip or lungs) though i got a nasty infection in my arm, thought i cleaned it out but damn, i musn't have done enough so back to compresses for me^^:

how are you today sweetie? i feel chatty

Quiet Man Cometh 06-24-2011 07:20 AM

Doing fine, and I suddenly have pieces of Fenrir, I wonder how that happened? :D.

I'm just cutting away at table name seating tags for my sister's wedding which will likely take me the rest of the night. Sun's coming up in a couple hours. I had a 6 hour nap earlier in the day so I won't be too broken for tomorrow, though it might not be fun. The wedding is on Sunday and I'm still looking for a bracelet I wanted to wear and for some reason can't find. Le sigh.

Moonless Midnight 06-24-2011 07:30 AM

Hey there Quiet ^_^ Your sister is gonna have a wedding?

littl3chocobo 06-24-2011 07:33 AM

one of the great mysteries of life^^

did the silver sharpie help or are you not to that yet?

Quiet Man Cometh 06-24-2011 07:37 AM

That she is, and no, the silver "Sanford" actually, did not work. Neither of them did and the silver gel pen is the wrong colour and also dried out.

I'm just going to re-write the names I want to, we'll be stuck with one faulty tag ultimately, and see if she's okay without the complete silver underlining. I have four that I want to redo because of faulty cuts or poor looking writing.

Moonless Midnight 06-24-2011 07:39 AM

I hope it doesn't take you too long to fix all the stuff you need to >.<

littl3chocobo 06-24-2011 07:40 AM

so i am super excited about the idea of matching your avi, i like it a lot but don't actually want to copy-cat^^: but mating is hard with so few items

hm.....and there is no time to fix it, that sucks dude, can you dress the tags to hide the mistakes?

Moonless Midnight 06-24-2011 08:22 AM

Well I can draw when I don't feel like drawing; it just won't turn out to be the best it could be XD

and good night Chocobo and have sweet dreams ^_^

Quiet Man Cometh 06-24-2011 08:32 AM

It's not so bad. I just picked out the nice looking ones with the incomplete silver border (factory's fault). We only have to use one but I made a few others. It's nothing drastic, it's just they do look like they were made by an amateur. I'm very practiced with caligraphy and my hands shake at times so it's not perfect. Passable though, and I might actually make it to bed by 6:30 am! Yay! It's 5:30 here now.

Nefer 06-24-2011 08:45 AM

*has just clicked on choco to see her thread like promised yesterday..errr...earlier this morning*

Oh, goodnight Choco, you deserve a good night of sleep, I was surprised to see you where still up when I logged back a couple of minutes ago ^^;

Oh, and hello everyone ^^
What's the subject of the day right now? *start reading older posts*

Moonless Midnight 06-24-2011 08:46 AM

You're about 3 hours behind me XD It's 8:45 for me.

My older cousin had a wedding a few years back. The invitations weren't hanf made...i don't think so anyways but they made some Fabroje (or however you spell it) Eggs for everyone at the wedding party though. IT was really awsome ^_^

@Nefer: NEFER!!! *Tackle glomps*

Nefer 06-24-2011 08:50 AM

*try to get up from the ground*
Ouch, I think my body isn't waken up enough to protect itself when been glomped anymore... *try to glomp back but end up falling on her own butt instead*

Moonless Midnight 06-24-2011 08:52 AM

Awww, need some help? *offers Nefer a hand*

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