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Suzerain of Sheol 02-18-2012 04:37 PM

Ah, alas, these are dark times, sir.

In other news, I do have a new poem, but I fear it will not translate to the forum format well.

Arsis_von_Neaera 02-18-2012 07:28 PM

I believe in you.

Suzerain of Sheol 02-18-2012 08:08 PM

I seem to have found the solution. All thanks to your unwavering faith in me. ;)

Is meant to be read in alphabetical order by columns, but you can always try it other ways too. :p

I'm strongly considering cutting the last W stanza, as I think the V stanza ends it much better.

Edit: I see errors already. X__X Oh, well, spotted them in time for class at least.

Suzerain of Sheol 02-21-2012 01:36 AM

Update, has a new shape...

Ignore my cursor near the bottom >_>

Suzerain of Sheol 03-07-2012 12:14 PM

I'm not too proud of this one, just kind of wrote it on a whim. Was trying to play with sound a little bit. Blah.

Afternoon Apocalypse

Quiet Man Cometh 03-08-2012 12:43 AM

I like that one actually :) (and nice job on the update. I like what you did with it. Seems very you. ;))

You have the aliteration down, what I would suggest it paying more attention to vowel sounds in between. These are my favourite lines here, soundwise:

"letting ourselves wait for an easier salvation
despite that we were helplessly drowning in
our own appetites, brazen starvation"

I like the long 'a' sounds in wait and salvation, brazen, and the rhyme -which surprised me- with 'starvation.' There are long 'i' sounds too with 'despite' and 'appetite.'

Not so fond of the last line, I guess because it feels more decorative rather than substanial. Overall I like it though. :). Go send it somewhere! :p

Suzerain of Sheol 03-08-2012 12:49 AM

I'm going to bring it class tomorrow and see what they think of it. May go work on it some more afterward, will take your comments under advisement. :)

Suzerain of Sheol 03-16-2012 11:14 PM

New one. The form looks different on the page, but this will work.


Suzerain of Sheol 04-19-2012 04:55 PM

1 month later...

Perception Rejection

Quiet Man Cometh 04-21-2012 12:40 AM

Playing with form again?

When my brain works out all those definitions I might have something more to say about it. Feels less like a poem and more of a concept playground.


Suzerain of Sheol 05-29-2012 07:52 PM

*cringes at rusty writing gears*

Radiant Decisions

Suzerain of Sheol 06-26-2012 12:17 AM

So glad I'm keeping my one-poem-a-month quota *rolls eyes*

Possibly [M] on this one, just in case.

Subsistence, Post-Eschaton

Suzerain of Sheol 07-28-2012 12:27 AM

I... don't even know what this is, but, my God, I'm not about to look a gift-muse in the mouth.

Someone tell me what this means.

Not of This World

Quiet Man Cometh 08-11-2012 09:09 AM

Would you be dreadfully disappointed if I told it reminds me of another poem?

I'm not sure I know what that one was either.

Rigel 08-12-2012 09:42 PM

Reading over your poetry = I'm in love with it all.
Afternoon Apocalypse made my heart swell.

Suzerain of Sheol 08-12-2012 09:47 PM

Wow, um, thank you!

I have to ask, though, what did you like about that one? I've always put in in my pile of "meh" poems, personally. :p

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