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Serra Britt 12-14-2017 11:30 PM

Not this time of year XD

But maybe I'll be able to go swimming next year without worrying the people I'd go with lol

mdom 12-15-2017 12:35 AM

hey, I heard some people use sunglasses because of the sun reflected on the snow! xD

woohoo! thongs for Serra!

Serra Britt 12-15-2017 12:54 AM

Hey, don't knock thongs XD

And yes, snow is very reflective, I need my eye protection more during winder really XD

mdom 12-15-2017 12:51 PM

I'm not! I'd wear them if they didn't get lost in the darkness of my butt.

My dark brown eyes can handle the sun most of the time here.

Serra Britt 12-15-2017 01:27 PM

Well there is that, yes...

Me, I'm just very light sensitive.

mdom 12-15-2017 04:47 PM

My sister got light sensitive after doing the eye surgery to remove the nearsightedness. Now she's always with sunglasses, looking stylish xD

tsukiko 12-15-2017 05:41 PM

*gives out hugs to anyone that wants one* today i woke up with a sore throat...blegh

mdom 12-15-2017 06:00 PM

-accepts hug and makes tea for tsukiko-

tsukiko 12-15-2017 06:04 PM

then the rest of the day rather sucked =/ *sips tea graciously*

mdom 12-15-2017 06:11 PM

-hugs some more-
aw, I'm sorry, my dear

Serra Britt 12-15-2017 06:41 PM

Sore throats suck I agree :(

-also accepts hugs-

Mdom, I've always been light sensitive, it's kind of annoying XD

mdom 12-15-2017 06:45 PM

-hugs Serra too-

gotta wear stylish sunglasses too xD

Serra Britt 12-15-2017 06:52 PM

I just have glasses that darken when outside XD

mdom 12-15-2017 07:34 PM

Those are fancy! xD My dad used to have those.

Serra Britt 12-15-2017 07:52 PM

I'm horrible at keeping track of clip ons and I prefer a small purse, so they are kind of wonderful XD

mdom 12-15-2017 07:53 PM

Yay for useful stuff! I wish my glasses had those window cleaners for rainy days.

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