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Kaderin Triste 01-24-2018 12:16 AM

Yep, you've got all of that right for the U.S., tsukiko.
I hate it, but it's just the way things are.

tsukiko 01-24-2018 12:28 AM's unfortunate :(

mdom 01-24-2018 08:32 PM

-hugs you both-
no middle ground... 80h a week is inhumane @_@

Kaderin Triste 01-24-2018 10:16 PM

Took me a sec, I was like "80 hours a week? what? who?" then I re-read.
I honestly don't personally know anyone in management positions that works that many hours a week, tbh. But I'm sure in bigger areas or bigger corporations it happens.

tsukiko 01-24-2018 11:50 PM

i have....not me personally, but i've seen management deal with that. when corporate cuts all the hours but expects the same amount of work to be done means it falls on the managers. so while all us part-timers get 10 hours...the managers get 60-80 hours :(

Kaderin Triste 01-26-2018 02:35 PM

Youch! Most places here have a slightly beyter balance with part time at 15-20 hours and then management at usually 50-60.

mdom 01-26-2018 08:06 PM

I think here it's the opposite, they make workers work looong hours @_@ but the pay isn't worth it

tsukiko 01-27-2018 06:02 AM

i think we can all agree on the fact that working more or less sucks but is a necessary evil.

Death by Mirrors 01-27-2018 05:09 PM

*nods in agreement*

mdom 01-27-2018 07:11 PM

*sweats in priviledge*

tsukiko 01-27-2018 09:45 PM

ugh...i hate being cooped up in a car going around in circles =_=

mdom 01-29-2018 11:04 AM

Did you get lost somewhere?

tsukiko 01-29-2018 11:11 PM

no. sister took other sister up into the mountains and she wasn't paying we went round and round in circles..and i was getting sick >__<

mdom 01-30-2018 07:06 AM

oh @_@
hope you weren't in that situation for too long!

tsukiko 01-31-2018 11:02 AM

well, it took about an hour to get to where they wanted to go in the mountains. then we ate and shopped a bit (so no involvement with the car for about 2 hours), then another hour to get back and about 45 minutes going round and round in circles =_= i get car sick easy though. i don't get sick on planes, just in cars (never been in a boat, so i can't say if i get sea sick or not)

mdom 01-31-2018 01:19 PM

Aw :<
I never tried boats either. But imagine 3 months being seasick @_@

tsukiko 01-31-2018 02:24 PM

yuck...sounds awful

Kaderin Triste 01-31-2018 06:13 PM

I've never been in an actual boat per say, but I did take a long ferry ride once. I recall it was actually pretty nice and I didn't get any motion sickness from it.
Once in a while I get carsick, but not too often.

mdom 01-31-2018 07:13 PM

I'm ok with car rides because I can fall asleep like, everywhere xD including moving cars.

Kaderin Triste 01-31-2018 07:16 PM

I can too usually. But if there are a lot of twists and turns, sometimes it gets to me. Also depends on the person's driving.

mdom 01-31-2018 07:50 PM

Ah roads here are usually just a looong line

Kaderin Triste 01-31-2018 08:49 PM

Roads here vary based on where you're going. But we have a ton of mountains.

tsukiko 01-31-2018 09:48 PM

same here, kaderin. twisty roads are the worst! and ironically, i barely get sick when i'm in my sister's boyfriend's car with him driving. and he drives fast @_____@ you know what...i think i only get sick when my sister drives and a bit when my mom does. weird...

Kaderin Triste 01-31-2018 10:27 PM

I haven't had issues too recently, but I recall getting carsick-ish while my brother drove a few times. Never super bad to where we had to pull over at all, I just got kind of mildly nauseous.

tsukiko 01-31-2018 10:29 PM

for me, it might also be the vehicle. but i don't get sick in my other sister's car while she's driving...which is who's car we took into the mountains, only it was the other one driving. which is why i think it's her driving that makes me sick. who knows though

hyjin 02-03-2018 01:22 PM

Hello, how is everyone?

tsukiko 02-04-2018 06:58 AM

i'm doing good. how are you, hyjin?

hyjin 02-04-2018 11:51 AM

Im doing alright. Just got over being sick the other day

tsukiko 02-04-2018 03:04 PM

ugh being sick is never fun. least you got over it quickly though, right?

hyjin 02-04-2018 05:08 PM

Yeah it was just a stomach bug

tsukiko 02-04-2018 05:48 PM

good. glad it wasn't anything worse than that

hyjin 02-04-2018 10:50 PM

Nope but i did have to stay home and miss work

mdom 02-05-2018 12:27 PM

*sprays hyjin's stomach*

tsukiko 02-05-2018 12:41 PM

awww yeh missing work is lame, especially if they hold that against you.

hyjin 02-05-2018 06:47 PM

lol not that kinda stomach bug

tsukiko 02-06-2018 10:41 PM

bwahahahaa if only that worked like that, right? xD

mdom 02-06-2018 10:53 PM

I'm not sure what would be worse, honestly xDDD

tsukiko 02-07-2018 09:17 PM

hmmm i would say if we could use some sort of spray to get rid of illnesses, that would be a good thing xD

hyjin 02-07-2018 09:36 PM

I have a bad weakness to cute OCs

mdom 02-07-2018 09:36 PM

oooh right xD

I was thinking that if we had real bugs in our stomach that would be horrible xDD

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