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shinkamalei shinkamalei is offline

One Fish

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 55
  1. 's Avatar
    01-16-2012 05:54 PM
    TAKE DK WITH! D8 or or.. help me get a chocolate coronet thingy! ouo I'll try to save and send monies for it!
  2. 's Avatar
    01-16-2012 05:48 PM
    yes ouo I had to go away for the summer and it seems the thread died but we're back! ouo

    I'm learning to read hiragana now to learn some vocabulary xD
  3. 's Avatar
    12-27-2011 08:09 PM
    Shin-sensei! You haven't stopped by the thread OnO DK has learned almost all of her hiragana ^-^ and I figured out how to make the tiny shi symbol in words to make sure people hold out the sound xD took me a few seconds to realize it.. ^^, Stop by the thread some time owo
  4. 's Avatar
    08-13-2011 07:02 PM
    Kamikaze Chinchilla
    Shinka bby! *tries to infect you with the pink* join ussss xD *hugs*
  5. 's Avatar
    05-16-2011 03:38 PM
    Kamikaze Chinchilla
    Yay! I love it! *plants her nose on you*
  6. 's Avatar
    05-15-2011 11:14 PM
    Kamikaze Chinchilla
    *rubs herself all over you* The scent of champions!! *W*!
  7. 's Avatar
    05-09-2011 11:39 PM
    Kamikaze Chinchilla
    *rolls vigorously over you* Shinka bby!!
  8. 's Avatar
    04-05-2011 11:28 PM
    D: When they can actually get a class going...
  9. 's Avatar
    04-03-2011 06:31 PM
    Kamikaze Chinchilla
    I gave birth to rainbows! 8D
  10. 's Avatar
    04-03-2011 12:14 PM
    Kamikaze Chinchilla
    It sure was! x'D

About Me

  • About shinkamalei
    21, female, WA, USA <3333
    ^ -points up-
    drawing, dancing, graphic design, japanese, korean, italian, guys


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  • Total Posts: 402
  • Posts Per Day: 0.08
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General Information
  • Last Activity: 05-26-2012 11:31 PM
  • Join Date: 01-02-2011
  • Referrals: 0


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