Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 110 of 959
05-07-2012 12:47 PM
O.o hey
Hey, so is Michael staying behind with the main group or coming with Shealtiel, Na'lsa, and Asasiah to investigate the shrine? You can just have him have come along with us, if you want, I didn't quite mean to split the group this much.
I come on right as you go offline. So sad. Such a sad sad day.
No idea what you're talking about.
...Say what? -whistles innocently-
...Oh right, because you can't take the SAT and the SAT2's on the same day.
You always still have the November test day, but that would be for last-minute stuff.
....I really suggest going with your original plans for the SAT2's in June, and then going for the other SAT2's in October, since you might need to also retake the ones in June. Seriously.
Please don't tell me you're gonna study for those within a month's time, and take care of your APs and finals as well.