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Itch Itch is offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
  1. 's Avatar
    05-17-2011 02:56 AM
    Lauv Keiko
    Young one! XD
  2. 's Avatar
    05-17-2011 02:33 AM
    Lauv Keiko
    good! btw, how old are you? XD
  3. 's Avatar
    05-17-2011 02:16 AM
    Lauv Keiko
    Wow, that's cool! :3 lol, I used to chew on sugarcane...but that was years ago XD
    >.> start studying our language, lady.
  4. 's Avatar
    05-17-2011 02:05 AM
    Lauv Keiko
    That is horrible! D: I don't like it when someone's not taught how to speak their native language..T_T
    OMG. Really? You must be rich then! I used to visit cebu too! <3
  5. 's Avatar
    05-17-2011 12:47 AM
    Lauv Keiko
    LOL. I live in Bacolod though ^^
    Question...why aren't you able to speak filipino dialects?
  6. 's Avatar
    05-16-2011 07:47 AM
    No problem (:
  7. 's Avatar
    05-16-2011 05:14 AM
    Lauv Keiko
    that's totally near where I am! <3
  8. 's Avatar
    05-15-2011 10:25 AM
    Welcome to trisphee! (:
  9. 's Avatar
    05-15-2011 05:00 AM
    Lauv Keiko
    OH GOSH. You lady should learn tagalog!! D<
    I asked, "Where do you exactly live? Which city?"
  10. 's Avatar
    05-15-2011 04:55 AM
    Lauv Keiko
    Wah! Taga saan ka? <3 sana malapit lng!

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    "The Doctor"
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  • Last Activity: 05-25-2011 03:38 AM
  • Join Date: 05-15-2011
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