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CycloneKira CycloneKira is offline

Two Fish

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 25
  1. 's Avatar
    02-24-2021 04:51 PM
    It keeps leaking coolant and the mechanics are having issues finding why its doing that.
  2. 's Avatar
    02-22-2021 02:11 PM
    Hanging in there, my car keeps giving me issues and its driving me nuts!
  3. 's Avatar
    02-20-2021 07:58 PM
    Hi? It's been a while. :3
  4. 's Avatar
    08-19-2018 08:32 PM
    Doing alright, been doing a lot of tabletop RPs, running one every other month on fridays
  5. 's Avatar
    07-24-2018 06:27 PM
  6. 's Avatar
    01-18-2016 11:06 AM

    why are they possessing him? how are they both doing it at the same time? how is he able to resist them both? what purpose is there for three beings to share one body? what is the conflict between the angel and demon? what would the person he meet up with be able to do as far as a resolution goes?

    and from a writers place;
    are we writing out 6 chars then? of the three who would get priority as the 'main' storyline? is this a religious story(since those are religious creatures)? would this be high fantasy or current-times with a fantastical element?
  7. 's Avatar
    01-18-2016 12:13 AM
    it is easier to say what i won't do XD basically i am cool with everything except for slice-of-life, school, and hero-fantasy
  8. 's Avatar
    01-17-2016 08:57 PM
    same still applies, i only play male and for the sake of avoiding concerning stereotypes and lack of general understanding i would really prefer my partner play male as well
  9. 's Avatar
    01-17-2016 09:27 AM
    only if it has a purpose, i do not do romance for romance's sake even in romantic-themed rps XD those tend to just flit around being coochie-coo then get dropped out of boredom, there needs to be more to it, something to make up the heft (like cake does with romance being the icing, you cannot have just a plate full of icing)

    i think i should mention now i only do m/m mxm and m&m
  10. 's Avatar
    01-17-2016 05:54 AM
    pffft, like 5 years and 2 of them were just me dicking about learning how to write, hahaha

    min 3 sentances max 3 paras, less than three i can't really reply but past three it's all fluff XD

    well, are there some non-fandom interests itching to be had? i'd be happy to give this a try if you would like<3

About Me

  • About CycloneKira
    I'm awesome, hun.
    Singing, reading, writing


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  • Total Posts: 427
  • Posts Per Day: 0.12
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  • Last Activity: 01-27-2023 04:25 AM
  • Join Date: 01-17-2015
  • Referrals: 0


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