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Lost_Fantasy13 Lost_Fantasy13 is offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 151 to 160 of 183
  1. 's Avatar
    06-27-2012 01:33 PM
    small delay(by a couple hours) my back is in agony
  2. 's Avatar
    06-26-2012 08:13 PM
    rps~ oh! and two men cooking in fluffy aprons XD
  3. 's Avatar
    06-26-2012 08:05 PM
    i just saw and doing it now XD in three hours i'mma be knee deep in angst and porn and princes and vampire dudes and carpet XD
  4. 's Avatar
    06-26-2012 08:01 PM
    oooooooh~ you were one of my art peeps, ok let me go dig up the pm and i will get started, i have been sick and sad and tired and....itchy(on the inside not sure how to explain it) all day and have been asleep
  5. 's Avatar
    06-26-2012 07:58 PM
    so i was checking my big pile of trades and i see one from you, what is it for?
  6. 's Avatar
    06-26-2012 04:47 AM
    Lauv Keiko
    oh, okies ^^ I understand :3'
  7. 's Avatar
    06-26-2012 04:44 AM
    Lauv Keiko
    oh, I just wanted to know.
    And uhm...do you have mini angel wings I could trade a mini devil wings for? >3<
  8. 's Avatar
    06-26-2012 03:43 AM
    Lauv Keiko
    a random question, this account is only for clockworks co.,? :3'
  9. 's Avatar
    06-25-2012 03:23 AM
    Thanks for selling :3
  10. 's Avatar
    06-25-2012 01:54 AM
    everyone with a quest gets a trade

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  • Last Activity: 03-20-2017 05:37 PM
  • Join Date: 11-29-2010
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