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PurpleBox PurpleBox is offline

Ho! Miscreant!

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 27 of 27
  1. 's Avatar
    08-02-2017 12:27 AM
  2. 's Avatar
    07-28-2017 10:02 AM
    In the process of moving back to college x_x doesn't help that the flight's in the morning which is when my IBS gives me hell, and my Mom's giving me hell over packing.
    On the bright side I am looking forward to college itself! It means replies will be erratic to the RP, but I'll be able to chat a good bit since college WiFi is nice to Trisphee :D
  3. 's Avatar
    07-21-2017 12:06 AM
    I'm taking baby wipes with me but idk how long they'll last me... I have IBS so I use the bathroom too many times everyday T_T on top of that I can't shop for wipes around college because it's at the outskirts, the village has nothing, hell there aren't even street lamps and it's two hours from the city x_x
  4. 's Avatar
    07-20-2017 10:44 PM
    I just wish I could do the same thing at college, but we have those common bathrooms without wonderful marble counters I CRI
  5. 's Avatar
    07-20-2017 10:40 PM
    On my phone in the bathroom #multitasking :P
  6. 's Avatar
    06-15-2017 01:15 PM
  7. 's Avatar
    05-05-2017 05:18 AM
    Happy Birthday!


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  • Total Posts: 350
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  • Last Activity: 09-30-2022 11:57 PM
  • Join Date: 05-03-2017
  • Referrals: 0


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