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PurpleBox PurpleBox is offline

Ho! Miscreant!

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 27
  1. 's Avatar
    09-29-2017 03:06 PM
    Been a bit busy with work and home, trying to renovate the old house my Dad grew up in that my fiance and I live in so that's sort of had my mind really preoccupied. Sorry for the delay in the RP, I just made a new post though!
  2. 's Avatar
    08-29-2017 08:52 PM
    it's a normal umbrella .... but it works ^^ so it helps. I cant find a cloth parasol.... that would help a lot more... as its cloth made to absorb heat....xP Maybe i should bug my friend who 's into the steam punk things... she has a few.
  3. 's Avatar
    08-29-2017 08:50 PM
    on the bright side, snazzy sunbrella, right?
  4. 's Avatar
    08-28-2017 08:09 PM
    > A> oh no! have you tried aloe vera juice?
  5. 's Avatar
    08-28-2017 07:41 PM
    nothing much; you?
  6. 's Avatar
    08-24-2017 12:28 AM
    Dude that is so cute Powerpuff Girls was my childhood and Buttercup was my fave so that's what it makes me think of
    I have class in like 15 mins oops
    Also I love reading along to your RP with CactuarJoe (during mealtimes on my phone because where is the tieeeeemmmm) you both write beautifully
  7. 's Avatar
    08-14-2017 10:41 PM
    It was a cleaning weekend. x'DD
  8. 's Avatar
    08-14-2017 10:21 PM
    It was long.
  9. 's Avatar
    08-14-2017 09:02 PM
    Thank you! I'm working up a reply right now.
  10. 's Avatar
    08-06-2017 01:45 AM
    *huggles back* it does rhyme! reminds me of powerpuff girls holy ravioli the childhood feeellllsssss

    How're you finding the user appreciation event? ^^ I know it just started but still :P


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  • Last Activity: 09-30-2022 11:57 PM
  • Join Date: 05-03-2017
  • Referrals: 0


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