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Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline

Poconut Overlord

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Showing Visitor Messages 501 to 510 of 987
  1. 's Avatar
    08-14-2011 11:00 AM
    well start picking whatever wins against fist xD auto win hehe at least if i show up xP
  2. 's Avatar
    08-14-2011 10:57 AM
    you should know what im going to choose xD I choose the same thing all the time ~lazy~ plus now im just getting jewels in the case they release items late in the event
  3. 's Avatar
    08-14-2011 09:21 AM
    Ewwww I'm at work right now.
  4. 's Avatar
    08-14-2011 07:57 AM
    ~infects with pink~
  5. 's Avatar
    08-14-2011 02:52 AM
    Juju~ ;o;
  6. 's Avatar
    08-13-2011 07:10 PM
    lol ill work on it since i just spent my money on some pink
  7. 's Avatar
    08-13-2011 05:03 PM
    Okie see you Juju get better~
  8. 's Avatar
    08-13-2011 04:43 PM
    I likes them they are yummmy~~~ -noms on-
  9. 's Avatar
    08-13-2011 04:07 PM
    Awesome~~~ JUJU~~~~~!!!! -pounce cuddles-
  10. 's Avatar
    08-13-2011 11:09 AM
    just because your not new doesnt mean my offer isnt legit


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  • Total Posts: 5,048
  • Posts Per Day: 0.96
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  • Last Activity: 09-03-2021 04:55 PM
  • Join Date: 09-08-2010
  • Referrals: 4


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