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Inari Inari is offline

Cute lil Fox Goddess

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 45
  1. 's Avatar
    03-24-2012 08:35 PM
    I see item guide!
  2. 's Avatar
    05-25-2011 10:20 AM
    okay. it just sounded real suspicious is all. >.>
  3. 's Avatar
    05-24-2011 10:31 AM
    wait, why do you ask? what was I up to?
  4. 's Avatar
    05-22-2011 07:37 PM
    If you're gratzing what I think you're gratzing, then thank you. :3
  5. 's Avatar
    05-19-2011 12:14 AM
    <3 I love my alt xD
  6. 's Avatar
    05-13-2011 02:07 AM
    Lauv Keiko
    Okies ;> good luck again <3
  7. 's Avatar
    05-13-2011 01:51 AM
    Lauv Keiko
    Oh I see~ :3 *pats DK's back* You can do it! <3
    If it were a staff thing...what would happen?
  8. 's Avatar
    05-13-2011 01:47 AM
    Lauv Keiko
    What happens when you can't finish it by deadline? O_o;
  9. 's Avatar
    05-13-2011 01:40 AM
    Lauv Keiko
    Oh, haha! =3 Good luck with what chuur doing~ <3
  10. 's Avatar
    05-13-2011 01:35 AM
    Lauv Keiko
    Oh! so your mule has all the yearlies? O_o or you're using your mule because your main's avi is awesome?
    AND yay for being almost done! <33

About Me

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    ~The cute little Fox Goddess~

    Inari also appears in the form of a snake or dragon, and one folktale has Inari appear to a wicked man in the shape of a monstrous spider as a way of teaching him a lesson.


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  • Total Posts: 1,649
  • Posts Per Day: 0.31
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General Information
  • Last Activity: 08-08-2017 02:44 PM
  • Join Date: 08-15-2010
  • Referrals: 0


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