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Darjeeling Darjeeling is offline

Have A Cup Of Me

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
  1. 's Avatar
    08-08-2011 05:40 PM
    So i try this battle system, and i get killed by my own friend xD
  2. 's Avatar
    08-08-2011 12:49 PM
    xD He is indeed! : D
  3. 's Avatar
    08-08-2011 12:47 PM
    xD Mr.Magoo was- as my Dad describes it a man who always got into screwy situations, but no matter what ended up coming out "smelling like roses." so he always fixed his problems!
    My Dad always called my sister and I that. Alll the time.
    But yeah Mum is British of course so it's still English xD But- You know what I mean xD
    Most people try and guess my nationality based on how I speak sometimes xD
    Eh- oh well! xD

    Yeah o.o; I've herd bits and pieces of stories! : 3
  4. 's Avatar
    08-07-2011 09:01 PM
    xD Yes- I'm quite the mix. (-laughs because I look Asian sometimes too-)
    Oh xD Most people think I speak a different language because I do say quirky things like "Mum" and they also think I'm ancient because I still say "The Bon-diggity" xD Because yes.. I'm strange.

    I think I've herd tales.. Well stories of magpies, and how people believed that magpies were theives. I believe one of them had to do with gypsy's. But this is what I'm remembering from when I was probably like.. 9 xD So. I could be wrong.

    Magpie sounds like a cute nickname. .__.;
    My parents always called me Maddy Maddy Magpie, or Magoo. xD
    Which I can't tell what's worse. Magoo (I'm sure you know him)
    Or Maddy Maddy Magpie. xD

    And nyhahaha -highfives for being clueless and ranting to the people who are-
  5. 's Avatar
    08-06-2011 11:13 PM
    xD My home language?
    Is it because I said Mum? I'm Canadian, so English.
    But despite how most Canadian's are "white"
    I'm from a place called Malta, making me European basically, and I'm part native (as well as Irish and Scottish)
    But I do have ADHD xD so yes Shiny is pretty. Same with silly things like stickers.
    My Mum always called me "Maddy, Maddy, Magpie."

    But that's actually really interesting o.o;
    And don't feel bad xD I can rant for day's on some subjects too.
  6. 's Avatar
    08-06-2011 06:15 PM
    I have to ask- What is a magpie? D:
    (My Mum calls me that all the time xD)
  7. 's Avatar
    08-06-2011 06:02 PM
    What are you thinking of getting between your shoulders? ^ ^
  8. 's Avatar
    08-06-2011 05:55 PM
    Your tattoo is really cute Darjeeling! : D
  9. 's Avatar
    08-04-2011 07:54 PM
    Caramel Flan
    >w<. FIRST COMMENT. <3

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  • About Darjeeling
    Graphic Designer


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  • Last Activity: 10-25-2012 03:27 PM
  • Join Date: 08-04-2011
  • Referrals: 1


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