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Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted

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Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 40
  1. 's Avatar
    07-21-2011 06:59 PM
    Dream of Dusk
    Mew maur. Murmurmur. >3

    Translation: Dunno, no spare ones to check. Might ask Rainy to do it for me on her own avvie. But I actually like being invisible, kekeke.
  2. 's Avatar
    07-20-2011 03:56 PM
    Dream of Dusk
    mau! -bighug- o3o
  3. 's Avatar
    07-20-2011 03:54 PM
    Well, I sent it anyways.
    I mean... Unless it's Feysha, which we know nothing of, imo, the holder/first talker and puller bac k could be "the voice of reason" character... pandora doesn't tlak in ancient ways... Ehh, wuhever. I never hoped to get the 100 pearl bonus anyways. v.v;
  4. 's Avatar
    07-20-2011 03:16 AM
    Suzerain of Sheol
    Nah, I'm not mad, it's just a long story and I'm kind of frustrated about it.
  5. 's Avatar
    07-20-2011 03:14 AM
    Suzerain of Sheol
    I don't want to talk about it. >_>
  6. 's Avatar
    05-20-2011 03:11 PM
    So I'll befriend you. XD
  7. 's Avatar
    05-20-2011 03:03 PM
    that would likely be the best thing. XD
  8. 's Avatar
    12-31-2010 08:54 PM
    when a deathless is made it is given a family. the image in the gem is from before she was deathless so it would be her biological family
  9. 's Avatar
    11-30-2010 01:29 AM
    Gabe Puratekuta
    Yes, that's right (Not to my knowledge, no)
  10. 's Avatar
    11-29-2010 02:07 AM
    Comeplete your task and then we shall talk.

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    سوف تتخذ النسر ثأرها.


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