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Mekatra Mekatra is offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 110 of 131
  1. 's Avatar
    12-02-2017 12:16 AM
    there is nothing funny about good boys having showers!!!
  2. 's Avatar
    12-01-2017 10:24 PM
    Psst what's your mug item fren
  3. 's Avatar
    12-01-2017 05:03 PM
    i thought you'd like it
  4. 's Avatar
    11-28-2017 07:44 PM
    there are some vids on youtube that show the stitches in slow motion. also, it is tricky to figure out how to hold the yarn and hook.

    so (if you're right-handed. if not, i can find some left-handed vids):
    *getting started
    *how to chain and hold your yarn - slo mo

    and for when you get there:
    *single crochet stitch - slo mo
  5. 's Avatar
    11-16-2017 12:30 AM
    and you're quite welcome too! =)
  6. 's Avatar
    11-15-2017 11:45 PM
    mostly the items bought for aurum have a sell-back price, i believe it's usually about 50% of what you bought it for. but hey, it's something. for things that don't have a sell-back option, there's always the Item Exchange under Games. i'll use that sometimes, and when i get fed up with the things it gives me, i'll just donate the stuff i don't want.
  7. 's Avatar
    11-15-2017 11:41 PM
    wow, and thanks for the runes!! =)
  8. 's Avatar
    11-15-2017 11:40 PM
    just pay it forward =D
  9. 's Avatar
    11-15-2017 11:09 PM
    so the short version is this: i'm weirdly picky about what i buy from the shops. and over time, if i don't wear it, i'll sell it back if i can. and i post. and i get aurum. and if someone doesn't have aurum for something they want, i'll see what i can send. =)

    nah, it just makes me a friend. =)
  10. 's Avatar
    11-15-2017 10:51 PM
    check your trades! =)

    i sent you some aurum for some goodies

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    Answer my riddle to earn a prize!

    You'll always feel it, but can never see it. It's strong but shatters easily. You can give it away but never hold it. What is it?

    Pm me the answer, no cheating please!


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  • Last Activity: 08-09-2021 09:53 PM
  • Join Date: 11-12-2017
  • Referrals: 1


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