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Conversation Between Lost_Fantasy13 and Kali_Namir
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    10-23-2012 02:28 PM
  2. 's Avatar
    07-11-2012 12:58 AM
    I saw that, and it was brilliant!...That's probably the only way to get down the prices now a days. She won't sell for any less unless your buying in bulk, and then it's only 10 runes off of each...
  3. 's Avatar
    07-11-2012 12:42 AM
    I kno...
    If I had the runes I woulda done what I did with Takitae
    I bought from nom, and sold to him for 20k
  4. 's Avatar
    07-10-2012 03:40 PM
    I would have waited for a seller other than her...but if you insist...

    I really do wish she would stop over-inflating EVERYTHING in her shop...she already holds the market for them, why charge that much???
  5. 's Avatar
    07-10-2012 03:26 PM
    I'm sending you 20 runes so you can just buy the horns from nom

    -holds in rage-
  6. 's Avatar
    07-04-2012 10:33 PM
    Yuppers!!! If no one else bid on it and no one else did...
  7. 's Avatar
    07-04-2012 10:33 PM
    We did agree on 30k right?
  8. 's Avatar
    06-29-2012 10:31 PM
    Your Charity, and your Samurai! Gift it wisely...
  9. 's Avatar
    06-29-2012 10:29 PM

    maybe i'll give it to her
  10. 's Avatar
    06-29-2012 10:01 PM
    I truthfully thought of getting both and holding on to it for Ari the next time she donated...But I thought it kinda bad of me to get two when I only wanted/needed one...
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