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Conversation Between Lost_Fantasy13 and Hermes
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    07-25-2012 02:39 AM
    just maybe?
  2. 's Avatar
    07-25-2012 02:39 AM
    Maybe xD
  3. 's Avatar
    07-25-2012 02:37 AM
    Page prizes in my charity. =P

    Which you should post in more
  4. 's Avatar
    07-25-2012 02:35 AM
    Thanks, but whatever for love?
  5. 's Avatar
    07-07-2012 02:19 PM
    thats what I normally do. I have no idea why I didn't think of that
    i'm doing better now... surprisingly

    how are you?
  6. 's Avatar
    07-07-2012 08:12 AM
    Get a pair of headphones, crank up some music? :3
  7. 's Avatar
    07-07-2012 01:48 AM
    that won't help. small spaces... tend to make things worse...
    -has to many issues i know-
  8. 's Avatar
    07-07-2012 01:45 AM
    maybe go int othe bathroom, chill in the stall?
  9. 's Avatar
    07-07-2012 01:43 AM
    i just dunno what to do.
    or what you can do
    I'm sitting here shaking and almost in tears

    what am I supposed to do?
  10. 's Avatar
    07-07-2012 01:37 AM
    Well, still, anything I can do that you need, I'll do
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