Conversation Between Avox and Mizeria
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
o.o I couldn't accept 20 free runes. XD I don't need them. ^-^ I'll get some other items I'm questing. Thank you, though! <3
did you need 20 runes still?
because I made you wait so long I could give them to you for free.
Cause I feel bad x.x;
I'm more than willing to wait. ^-^ Just let me know whenever you know.
I'll need a few days to see how many runes I have left. I have trades pending. Do you mind waiting?
Very true, I hope you stick around tris!
Visit my charity sometime
We always like to see new people
XD Well, thank you! So considerate. ♥ I'm not nakie anymore, too! :D
Cause you asked me so nicely not to
You have a nakie person running wild on your page. Why WOULDN'T you shoot? :P
I'm friendly, why would I shoot you?