Conversation Between Den and Glitch
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XD *having a massive gigglefit now*
Dumpster Divvaahhhh gotta get away! <3
Don't ask me. I just know that they're apparently cheaper there... You're the second person I've seen with the tail. Is that a RIG item, or can it be bought with Aurum?
I don't think you save money driving 30 miles XD
Oooo I didn't know there was a movie ouo
It's about 30 miles one way, and the reason is 'cause it costs less to buy cancer sticks at the shop there than it does here in Southwest Iowa. It's not the play I'm going to see. It's the movie based on the play. :) I have a record of the original Broadway cast performing, too...
Why do you have to drive so far to get those?? D: maybe it's not far, it sounds far. I want to see the hat, and tell me how fiddler on the roof is!!! :D I've not really been to a play before. Just silly ones.
tired, but not tired at the same time. I am in sleepiness limbo. I also have to drive down to the Iowa/Missouri border later today to get Dad a few cartons of his preferred inhaleable poison... but I finished my pink hat, finally! :D And I'm going to see "Fiddler on the Roof" with some friends of mine whom I haven't seen in forever, so looking forward to that. :) You?