Conversation Between Rinni and Obbiesan
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
okkie i just dont want to make work you already did pointless >w<
11-01-2011 05:23 PM
Ish fine. *will play with both to see which would be easier* :3
uumm what ever would be easier for you if you already started the other one i can switch back
11-01-2011 04:00 PM
Do you want me to do teh avvie art of this avvie or your old one? >u<
10-29-2011 12:55 AM
Sadly, I must go. Good night!
10-29-2011 12:51 AM
Nah; if trade is up, it'll remind me not to slack. XD
no worrys i trust o3o so take thems hehe
10-29-2011 12:43 AM
No rush on the wings; won't be able to start sketchin' till tomorrows after rehearsal. >u<