Conversation Between #000000 and Jurinjo
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
Did you do this on purpose? xD
Rhetorical. Actually are you and White the same person?
hehe I'm black, #FFFFFF is White. Confused yet? But yeah I'm back, I hope she surprises us too.
omg white you're back on?! or did you never actualliy leave? lol
Pshh the real world? whats that, I'd like to venture there sometime. I'm really glad to be back, I've missed everyone something fierce.
Like many other apparently shocked commenters my first thought and originally first word in this comment was shock- specifically an expletive with dramatic faces and punctuation. xD In the end welcome back from the real world! hehe. Hope you don't get suffocated underneath all the love and transition back into the community easily if a transition is even necessary. =) I miss chatting. Sadly not much on myself.