Conversation Between Biomecha and Panda
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
Yeah, life is probably getting harder to manage for many and is probably contributing to it.
12-27-2020 12:37 AM
So empty around here D:
I sent extras, but kept some of the really awesome ones I didn't have. Thank you!
09-23-2019 02:23 AM
No, lol silly >.< Are you sure you have them already?
I don't mind sending them back. You're not leaving or anything right?
09-23-2019 02:01 AM
Actually, you can keep them, and pay it forward or something >.<
Or you can sell them~
09-23-2019 01:59 AM
I already sent mdom a trade as well.. right now.
09-23-2019 01:59 AM
Send me back the ones you have already >.<
Whoa whoa, hollup...are you sure about that? I do have a few of them already. Or I could send them to mdom if you're okay with that?
09-23-2019 01:52 AM
My gifts to you <3