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Conversation Between Cheshiresneer and Asami
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    11-01-2012 02:31 PM
    //hugs and loves
  2. 's Avatar
    06-10-2012 04:38 PM
    haha you probably put in something that it didnt register o:
    try it without stuff like < and such
  3. 's Avatar
    06-10-2012 03:09 PM
    lol so I tried to comment on your wall in unicreatures, messed it up, then refreshed the page so it put yet another blank comment on there. You may delete that crap XD sorry! lol <3 your avvie!
  4. 's Avatar
    06-01-2012 12:09 AM
    Just released
    and yeah I guess that's true
    I just don't like to burden people
  5. 's Avatar
    06-01-2012 12:03 AM
    Hey what are friends for if you can't talk to em :) Do you mean the donation items coming up? Then heck yes!!
  6. 's Avatar
    05-31-2012 11:53 PM
    Id rather not burden you with my problems
    I do that enough to a few people...
    I might need to post another entry in the dear diary... :/ just not feeling so... happy.
    Anyways are you excited for the new dis?
  7. 's Avatar
    05-31-2012 11:51 PM
    Well I'm around a LOT if you ever need someone to talk to ^^
  8. 's Avatar
    05-31-2012 11:49 PM
    Lots of reasons Hun... its okay.. I promise ^^
  9. 's Avatar
    05-31-2012 11:48 PM
    Why? :( -snuggs-
  10. 's Avatar
    05-31-2012 11:47 PM
    Not good. Like usual.
    So miserable... but like I said its the usual.
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