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Conversation Between SparX and Lawtan
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    03-23-2017 01:32 AM
    ...can I ask for a hug? My head/heart is wanting to tear itself apart. Again.
  2. 's Avatar
    03-18-2017 07:52 PM
    XD OH my XD
    That's a pretty intense bone creature 0.o I am really digging the bones hanging from the face area. . .
    I was just thinking about rewatching that movie again today, the third one XD How did you know? =P
  3. 's Avatar
    03-18-2017 02:24 PM

    Nah. More like this. I'll post some stuff once I like it.
    ...though I may need to borrow that guy for...reasons.
    *Gets chainsaw and doll chorus*
  4. 's Avatar
    03-18-2017 02:06 PM
    I now only owe the irs 900 XD T.T
    I'm sorry that is happening within your family =( I can only hope for you that it either calms down or you have a chance to get away from it.

    Trying to imagine a pterodactyl centaur I googled. this is the image I got XD Oh Goodness XD

    Are these your future book covers Law ;D
  5. 's Avatar
    03-18-2017 02:00 PM
    Well, progress is being made...slowly, but also worrying about finances.
    And father has, as my mother says, "regressed" somewhat (see: "Africa is just a bunch of backwards heathens")...and started drinking...and dog is scared...

    But, I am drawing my stuff. (See: pterodactyl centaur) and working on my story worlds (see: Molesong and Fith-Fath)
  6. 's Avatar
    03-18-2017 12:27 PM
    XD Hello there! Quite chilly up here in the north so we gotta do what we gotta do ;D
    Man have I been TOOOOOO busy T.T My boss keeps wanting me to redesign the packaging but only after work so this whole week I've been doing it till almost 11 and am completely worn T.T Today's event is going to collect the shirts we payed for but cancelled the screen printing .-.

    How are you?
  7. 's Avatar
    03-17-2017 11:08 PM
    *Walks on by*
    Oh! a Fireblack to warm oneself by! How goes it?
  8. 's Avatar
    02-14-2017 04:05 PM
    Thank you! (And wow on the two little furballs racing across the beach by the night of the three heart-moons)

    *Hugs the SparX*
  9. 's Avatar
    02-14-2017 10:16 AM
    Happy valentines day =3
    Enjoy your present
  10. 's Avatar
    02-12-2017 11:47 AM
    -Thoroughly enjoys the needed affection-
    I read that yesterday right before work and it really made me smile thank you so much Law <3
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