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Conversation Between Evil Ed and Demonskid
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    08-14-2011 08:22 PM
    Evil Ed
    LOL :3
  2. 's Avatar
    08-14-2011 05:40 PM
    x'D I think the pink day is over anyway.. i'm just staying this way cause I drew art to go with it OxO
  3. 's Avatar
    08-14-2011 05:24 PM
    Evil Ed
    Really, HA! There is no pink that will infect me! :P
  4. 's Avatar
    08-14-2011 11:49 AM
    8o thats sad! *tries harder to infect*
  5. 's Avatar
    08-14-2011 03:09 AM
    Evil Ed
    Ah, not going to happen. :p
  6. 's Avatar
    08-14-2011 03:05 AM
    Add to the pink! DK has infected you 8D
  7. 's Avatar
    08-14-2011 03:04 AM
    Evil Ed
    Really.......I will have to see about this.
  8. 's Avatar
    08-14-2011 02:50 AM
    it's kami's fault she's infecting everyone
  9. 's Avatar
    08-14-2011 02:47 AM
    Evil Ed
    Why pink?
  10. 's Avatar
    08-13-2011 02:31 PM
    *infects you with the pink* x3
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