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Conversation Between Trystan and Flaria
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    08-19-2009 03:16 AM
    How are you, Trystan?
  2. 's Avatar
    08-13-2009 06:28 PM
    Thank you. I get more upbeat when my sister comes to the forum site. Lol.
  3. 's Avatar
    08-13-2009 07:28 AM
    she probably did XD;

    just relax :3
  4. 's Avatar
    08-12-2009 11:49 PM
    D: I just figured that. I hope she received my twin sister's e-mail address.
  5. 's Avatar
    08-12-2009 11:45 PM
    it is Fenris's Email, not mine XD;
  6. 's Avatar
    08-12-2009 11:35 PM
    Trystan, did you see any new e-mail one is Bina Fydan, that one is my twin sister. I invited her to be on here. And I told her how everything works. >_<;
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