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Conversation Between YourLuckyKeyblade and Hellsing kid
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    06-27-2012 09:02 PM
    Hellsing kid
    Yeah it's realy good I love the art style
  2. 's Avatar
    06-27-2012 08:56 PM
    I want to play lolipop chainsaw, looks pretty good. xD
  3. 's Avatar
    06-27-2012 08:34 PM
    Hellsing kid
    That's good love always keeps people together :3

    But I'm just playing Dead Space 2 and lolipop chainsaw
  4. 's Avatar
    06-27-2012 08:31 PM
    It's gotten better though and I love him and we had our talks about stuff and he's gotten better and trusts me more now, so it's all good. What videogames are you playing? c:
  5. 's Avatar
    06-27-2012 08:06 PM
    Hellsing kid
    I'm over at a friends house. Hanging out playing a lot of video games. But that's kinda strange he wouldn't let you do stuff. I mean I'm the kinda guy who dosnt care what we do I just want to be having a good time
  6. 's Avatar
    06-27-2012 07:31 PM
    Hey what's up and yeah we kinda broke up over that for a few months and both did our own thing but he has gotten better this time about letting me do stuff I like to do. He likes to play video games a lot so I let him do that even though it bothers me sometimes. I guess I am just too nice. xD What you doing?
  7. 's Avatar
    06-27-2012 02:01 AM
    Hellsing kid
    Have a good night!!! Talk to ya tomarow
  8. 's Avatar
    06-27-2012 01:46 AM
    Hellsing kid
    Sorry for me saying this though. But if your in a relationship you both should be doing stuff that ether of you want to do. When I was with my girlfriend she didn't change me she did stuff that I didn't like all the time but she did stuff I didn't like to. But that's what being in a relationship is all about
  9. 's Avatar
    06-27-2012 01:43 AM
    Well I'm going to sleep got work in the morning. Talk to you tomorrow! <3
  10. 's Avatar
    06-27-2012 01:36 AM
    Yeah it's nice to get out but I just don't want to change him ya know. Like I don't want to make him do stuff he doesn't like to do. xD;
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