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Conversation Between Kiddiss and Pinkie
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    11-22-2012 06:32 PM
    Things are a lot better! I have a job and work at the casino now. The Bf is doing good and all thw like lol. We got a kitten awhile ago he's a little jackass but I love him lol. Other then that not much is different. Oh I have no net because kitty ripped the cord from the wall so yay....I'm trying to get it fixed but nothing seems to be going right lol. Posting off my phone sucks so I don't do it much lol
  2. 's Avatar
    11-22-2012 04:27 AM
    I've missed you, and have been worried, mah dear! I hope you are doing much better than the last time we talked (((HUGS)))

    I'm trying desperately to come back to Tris... but life keeps throwing things at me. I typed it all out in several messages on my board to Faux. Most of the whole story is there >.<

    I'm gonna go to bed and finish responding tomorrow. We're not doing anything for Thanksgiving since Eric is working *YaY!* (I hate family gatherings)... so I'll be getting rest and hopefully cathing up here on Tris (FINALLY!!!)

  3. 's Avatar
    11-12-2012 02:30 PM
  4. 's Avatar
    06-15-2012 02:51 AM
    I totally understand *nod* This has been a bitch of a month, hasn't it? *gerk*
    Two weeks 'til D-day here >.< My Dad-in-law suggested we tell the landlord to stick it of we haven't found a place to live by the end of the month. We're still packing, but I think my hair is going to fall out again from the stress over the finding-a-home sitch. I did find a really nice house for sale for $40k; now we just need to see if we can get financed... and I have to talk Eric into wanting to move that far away from his parents (it's about 60 or 70 miles from where we now live, which is why it's so cheap). There's a house here in our little town for sale, but is $77k and half the size of the $40k house. That's a difference of $300/month house payments to almost $600/month for less space. BUT... the cheaper house is further away from jobs for Eric :/
    I just have to keep having faith that God will provide <3
  5. 's Avatar
    06-13-2012 12:42 PM
    I dont have what is needed for a second set I dont even have a second set...I would love to help but I myself with everything thats been happening has 1 set
  6. 's Avatar
    06-13-2012 03:09 AM
    Hey, can I buy a full set of the Event Items from you? Even with the extended ribbon earning, there is no way I am going to find time to post D: I bought one set from Nikko-Neko, but I would like one set for each account. I can pay in runes, depending on how many runes you would want (I paid Nikko-Neko 40 runes, but I think that was most likely an extremely discounted rate because he feels sorry for me OTL).
    I'll try to log in tomorrow for a few minutes to check (: I only have 40 runes on this acct, but I have more on my muleh-muleh *nod*
    Don't stay up too late, Young Ninja! XD You still doin' the 10 hour trip tomorrow?
    Teh Momma Kitteh
  7. 's Avatar
    06-13-2012 02:56 AM
  8. 's Avatar
    06-13-2012 02:56 AM
  9. 's Avatar
    05-27-2012 08:53 PM
    I'm sorry you didn't get to say goodbye... trust me, I know how much that hurts. I've lost 1 cat every year since 2008. I only got to have a proper goodbye with Sassy. I found out she had cancer on Feb 28 & was given 2 full months with her. I'm am more grateful than words can express. But, with everyone here sick, we weren't able to bury her at home.

    I'm glad you were able to make a headstone for your baby boy. That really is something special.<3 He knows you love him very much (yes, I used present tense because he knows now that you love him now & forever).

    I'm glad your sis is ok. And, I will pray for your friend, too C:

    Every hardship in life is a trial to make us stronger <3
  10. 's Avatar
    05-27-2012 08:28 PM
    Yeah everything seems to have worked out no. The friend has his court on wensday so we will see how that works out lol. Also the sisters okay now just a little sore lol. I didnt really have time to say good bye no. My sister called me when he was already dead and in the ground...but I made the headstone for him so that was something special to me.
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