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Conversation Between Wicked and Serra Britt
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    10-20-2011 10:14 PM
    Serra Britt
    Well that's okay Wicked, I was just missing you some ;)
  2. 's Avatar
    10-20-2011 07:44 PM
    Hi Serra! Sorry I haven't been on much.
  3. 's Avatar
    10-20-2011 12:10 AM
    Serra Britt
    I wonder where you've been.
  4. 's Avatar
    10-06-2011 10:49 PM
    Don't you forget about me la la la la.
    Oh my I really want to watch The Breakfast Club now!
  5. 's Avatar
    10-06-2011 10:45 PM
    Serra Britt
    -huggles- Yea, I'm surprised. I seem to be awfully forgetful when it comes to stuff related to you.
  6. 's Avatar
    10-06-2011 10:42 PM
    I saw your friend request and did a triple take. I'm like we're already friends!! Welp. Official now. ><
  7. 's Avatar
    10-06-2011 10:40 PM
    Serra Britt
    Actually, I'm a Christian, but I like to believe I'm not like the rest.
  8. 's Avatar
    09-24-2011 04:07 AM
    Night Serra! Sleep well. <3
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