Conversation Between Jessibuns and ((___jade___))>
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Ok. I have to go do school anyway. ^ ^ I'll send a PM with a list of mine later.
Ill share my items tomorrow
Ehhh I have nooo idea. D: I'm bad at coordinating outfits like this. XD
Maybe we should figure out what items we both have? That would be a place to start. And we ought to just do this in PM because it's easier. XD -goes to compile list of items-
What colors shall we do?
Bright versus dark?
Hahaha, that's fine; I only have 3.1k. XD I'm not bad at posting up a storm to grab extra though. We'll see what we can do with this much and go from there I guess.
Yeah sure.
Keep in mind,
I only have 4k to work with.
Heyy, I saw that you were on the list for that opposites avi contest... I'm looking for a partner too. o; Want to team up?