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Conversation Between PurpleBox and sylvanSpider
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    05-19-2018 04:50 PM
    that works perfectly ^^ Ian is the type of brother that won't take his little brother outside the walls unless he has to, he knows that his brother can handle it... he just desont want to loose his onyl family you know? XD
  2. 's Avatar
    05-19-2018 04:43 PM
    This post is a wee bit shorter to get things going. :3 Also, I've only got one character active at the moment. I'm hoping to get another one going here soon, but I'm gonna let that happen organically.
  3. 's Avatar
    05-17-2018 06:37 PM
    XD thats ironic XP
  4. 's Avatar
    05-17-2018 05:49 PM
    I actually think it went up about when you replied to my visitor message. xD
  5. 's Avatar
    05-16-2018 11:44 PM
    woot!! i look forward to reading it^^
  6. 's Avatar
    05-16-2018 04:30 PM
    There will be post up today, lovely! I had to go out of town for graduation. I'm back on school campus presently because I need to talk to my adviser. It's a beautiful day, so I figured I'd begin a post or two while sitting in the shade. :3
  7. 's Avatar
    05-15-2018 06:15 PM
    hows it going 0w0??
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