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Conversation Between Death by Mirrors and Glitch
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    09-17-2019 04:39 AM
    Death by Mirrors
    Oh, thank you!
  2. 's Avatar
    09-16-2019 09:13 PM
    This is gonna be weird but your avatar is ridiculously good looking as far as avatars go. :| you should get some fan art
  3. 's Avatar
    05-17-2019 02:24 PM
    Death by Mirrors
    Happy Birthday!
  4. 's Avatar
    04-27-2018 11:34 AM
    Death by Mirrors
    Thank you, you're making me blush ^^
  5. 's Avatar
    04-27-2018 11:22 AM
    Super cool avi
  6. 's Avatar
    04-01-2018 07:42 PM
    Thank you! I’m glad you like it ^^
  7. 's Avatar
    04-01-2018 05:47 PM
    Death by Mirrors
    Your avatar is hilarious by the way ^^ gotta love that worm, no? XD
  8. 's Avatar
    04-01-2018 10:11 AM
    Uhhh I just woke up haha
  9. 's Avatar
    04-01-2018 03:57 AM
    Death by Mirrors
    I know right? It's a shame! What are you up to? Already found some eggs?
  10. 's Avatar
    03-31-2018 11:44 PM
    we haven't talked in some time.
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